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Help neededdwith Mem settngs and other issues


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My system:


ASUS A8N-SLI Premium

AMD 64 x2 4200+ Manchester

2 Gb Corsair Twinx PC3200 XMS v4.1

ATI AIW X1800Xl 256Mb running Catalyst 5.13

Samsung HD040GJ 40Gb SATA II

Samsung SP2004C 200Gb SATA II

Plextor DVDr PX-716A IDE

Seasonic S12 500W Silent PSU

Uneed X15e HTPC case


The issues:


BF2 crashes to desktop after login screen.


AIW MMC TV Player is picture is jerky, like dropped frames. It gets really bad

when PVR recoding, but playback is the worst. The longer is plays the worse audio sync gets.


I've eliminated everything but the RAM. I have run the Sisoft Sandra benchmark with no errors. I don't have a floppy from which to run anything else. Are these components compatible.


Are ther any custom settings I can try with my XMS RAM?


Currently, they are set as speced on the side: I also noticed the power is at a default of 2.60.



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The Corsair suggested DDR voltage setting for this ram is 2.75 volts (warranteed up to but not over 2.9volts). Sounds like the ram is starving. If upping the voltage doesn't fix the problem, you'll need to see the following link to follow Ram Guy's instructions for downloading and burning a bootable cd version of Memtest86 to test your ram:




ps: The underlined words in Ram Guy's instructions are the links to download what you'll need to create the cd. Ram Guy is the official Corsair rep on this site.

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Thanks for the help!


I did step up the Bios voltage to the recommended 2.75.


Just finished and eight hour run of memtest86 with no errors


Unfortunately, this hasn't fixed the problem. But I guess it does eliminate the memory as a problem.


Back to take another look at my SATA drives for some reason the write sped is less than half the read speed. It was suggested that RAM might have somethin to do with that.

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When you installed Windows Xp, did you install the Nvidea RAID drivers made off of the motherboard cd when prompted by The Xp setup program (F6key)? Unfortunately part of the Nvidea RAID driver package also contains the IDE drivers. Even if your not using a RAID array you might be missing the correct IDE drivers if you didn't install the package.
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