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Corsair Value Select 256 MB Memory Module - Computer doesn't recognize new Ram chip


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I got this new chip, and I'm having trouble getting it to work. Actually the chip works fine. I had two 256MB chips (which came with the computer), and I had two slots left over. When I installed the new chip, I checked the update menu at startup and all of a sudden, the computer recognized my new chip and the first chip, but not the one in the second slot! I tried trading my new chip with the old chip and got the same result: whichever chip is in the second slot will not be recognized as soon as a new chip is put in the third. I tried putting the new chip in the fourth slot with the others in the first and second, and all of a sudden the computer only recognized the chip in the first slot, but not the other two! I have no idea whats going on. Its the right kind of chip and everything, AND I have the most recent BIOS upgrade for my computer. Any suggestions?
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RAM works best when paired with other RAM of the same type. Having three sticks is really not a good idea, if you had 4 sticks of the same type, that would most definately be recognized. My guess is that since the 3rd stick does not have a fourth to pair with it, the computer doesn't understand the 3rd stick. Check to make sure your mobo supports dual channel with 4 sticks, and get a fourth stick, and you should be great.
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Thanks. By "same type" do you mean same brand, or just same size?


Same brand, same model, same revision. However, the Value Select modules do not come in different revision numbers, so just make sure all of your modules are the same Value Select model (if you have a VS256MB400, then all of your other modules should also be VS256MB400; likewise, VS256MB400C3 modules should only be mixed with other VS256MB400C3 modules).

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