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6000mhz freeze

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Hi, i have some corsair vengeance 32 gb(2x 16,micron ) and i did a new fresh build with a Asus rog strix B760-A, 12600KF,rx 6800 and when i turn the xmp profile on its everything ok till i start playing some games or watching some lives on discord or using my pc in general and im getting a freeze and nothing happens i need to hard reset it.  The temps are very good and i cannot re create this freeze because i tried cinebench, 3dmark and its not freezing when i want but when he wants :). The only thing i can think to solve this is to do some manual timings but i have no idea. In my normal xmp profile is boosting up to 1.4V at 6000mhz and the timings same are a little bit higher.

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Freeze during light operations can be a problem with VCCSA (system agent voltage). This is a supporting CPU/RAM voltage set by the motherboard BIOS but it’s not part of the XMP profile data. You really shouldn’t have to tweak this at 6000, but then I haven’t done a lot of testing with 12600-700-900 CPUs. 6000 was a higher bar originally. Unfortunately there is no exact SA voltage value and it varies from CPU to CPU and specifically by MB maker. Asus tends to go really heavy, but SA is not one of those voltages we’re more is more stable but hotter. More also can be unstable. 

Use HWinfo or a similar tool to find out how much SA voltage is being applied. There will be a slight variance under max load. Try setting a manual SA voltage in the BIOS +- 0.02 higher or lower. See how it does. 

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Just to be sure cus im kinda new in OC and all these things. I run a stress test to put the computer under max load for a couple minutes and i ve got 1.251V on SA VID(im not sure if thats what i need to look for so thats why im asking before doing something manual in SA from bios). So should i go +- 0.02? like 1.249 or smth like that?


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The SA VID is what the CPU asks for. The actual SA will be in the motherboard section of HWinfo. It should be close to that 1.25v. If it’s not, that’s something you can adjust. 

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Posted (edited)

I dont know why i got a  windows update and it fked up my whole system the explorer.exe didnt want to start so i reinstalled the windows. I put again the default asus mobo xmp for 6000mhz and now i dont have any freeze or so and i did run everything and let my pc for 1,2 days straight on light work and it didnt freeze at all from 6000mhz.

Edited by arui-mzq
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