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H100i Elite LCD so damn noisy! After two years of trying to put up with this racket I'm looking at replacing it, and not with a Corsair. Any last minute suggestions?

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I did a complete new build back in July 2022 and included an H100i Elite LCD cooler which I was very excited about. 

Aesthetically, I love it, it looks great. However, it's so damn noisy! Specifically the pump. It's incredibly loud, an annoying whine, and there's a limit on how slow you can make the pump go. 

Even with a bit of jiggery pokery, tricking it after previously chatting with people online, I am only able to get the pump speed down to 1947 RPM at lowest (at which point it's averaging around 1980).

Does anyone have any suggestions of how to make this thing quieter?

I run a YouTube channel and have to basically put my computer to sleep every time I'm recording as the cooler is so noisy!

I don't have much money right now so I'd really rather not have to buy a new one but this noise is driving me crazy. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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