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iCUE v5.12.97 Keyboard Poling Rate not functional with K100 RGB


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With the K100 RGB keyboard, it works fine under iCUE v4.33.138.  You are able to set all the various polling rates and upon leaving the setting widget and coming back, it holds the setting.

However, under iCUE v5.12.97.  Go to the keyboard device settings.  It always shows blank entry for Polling Rate no mater what rate you set it to previously.  Additionally, the pull down only shows  rates up to 4000 Hz.  Leave the setting widget and coming back ends up with blank entry again.

I have attempted to reset the K100 keyboard, problem persists.  Plugged directly into motherboard.  There are no hubs in between.

Put it on an older box with a i7-9700k and same exact results.  v4.33.138 works fine, move up to v 5.12.97 doesn't.

Please fix this issue.   The only solution at this point is staying with older v4.33.138.

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Yeah. Same behaviour here(K100 RGB keyboard). Since I updated iCue now I dont know if the polling rate is correct anymore since every time I select 4000hz it comes back to blank. (I read on reddit on 2021 they seem to have pushed and update which allows even 8000hz, but for some reason my iCue only displays up to 4000hz)

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The "blank" polling field appears to be a visual bug and it should hold the previously set polling rate.  I see the same thing with 4000 Hz as the current max setting.  I am not sure 8000 is worth anything, but if they have deliberately dropped it from the options they should explain.  This is version specific (5.12+), so don't pull your hair out trying to repair/reinstall.  Corsair will need to correct.  

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