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K100 Air need help with lighting and profiles

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Hi all.

I just got the K100 Air keyboard. 

How do I get it to have one color on all keys no matter what computer I connect it to without using ique? I want one color. Windows computer and Mac. Don't wanna have to use ique. If I do in order to set this up, would someone please help with step by step info? I don't understand the software at all, it's way too complex.

Also, how do you set this up for 2 computers? Can you set up Bluetooth on windows and mac and switch between them on the keyboard? How? Using the G1-4 keys on the keyboard? I have no idea how this works. I wanna connect to windows and mac using BT if possible and on the keyboard just push a button or whatever to change for mac and windows.

Thanks all. Sorry, it just is too complicated for me to use ique, I don't get it.

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To save lighting and key assignments that work when CUE is not running, you must save those choices to the KB memory directly.  This is a two step process with the creation segment and then saving it to the device in a separate tab at the end, but first make sure you connect the K100 Air to the PC via USB for saving.  You can't do that in wireless mode.

1) Create your preferred lighting in Hardware Lighting and any key remaps to Hardware Assignments. This part is mostly straightforward.  In any software profile, go to the "Hardware Lighting" tab and add whatever lighting colors you wish.  There are rules for what type of effects and how many can be saved, but the software is programmed for that and will not allow you to choose things that won't work.  In addition, the K100 series has a larger MCU and memory bank allowing it to save more complex lighting compared to older KBs.  With the K100, you can save multiple effects.  While in Hardware Lighting, the KB will preview the effects you have added but be aware this is a temporary status and only there for the creation process.  It will disappear when you leave that window in the app.  The one trick here is you might only have 1 software profile in existence right now.  If you want to save multiple lighting patterns to the KB, you will need a software profile for each.  Name them something to remind you of the lighting pattern as that will also be the name displayed in the save slots later.


Here is a basic two layer lighting pattern created in the Hardware Lighting section.



Next you need to add any key remaps to the Hardware Lighting section.  I have some game specific remaps for the G keys on this one and then added a simple Paste shortcut to the down arrow key for illustration.  You can assign key remaps to any key.  There are limits here and the KB must be able to execute it on its own without software aid.  So basic keyboard remaps and functions are available, but you wont be able to do things like launch specific programs that require an OS connection.  




2) Save to the Keyboard - At the bottom of the left side menu is "Device Settings".  This is the save manager for what you have just done and if you try to leave the tab without saving, CUE should warn you.  When clicked it will bring up a smaller pop up window as seen below.  With K100 models or any that use the new "high save slot count" system, it simply lets you keep adding profiles until you run out of space.  The max number is pretty high in the 50 profile area, but it does depend on how much stuff you cram into each profile.  Go down to the next available slot with a + arrow and click it.  





You should see a progress bar as it saves it to the KB (2-3 seconds) and then the name of the newly saved profile when complete.  If you do not see the new profile name in the slots after completion, it did not save. Try it again.  



That's really all you need for what you want to do.  Without CUE it will start on your last selected profile and the KB will remember each time.  You can cycle between all saved profiles using the profile key on the top of the KB.  The KB will remain in that state as you port it from PC to PC.  


Edited by c-attack
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Can you explain a little more?  Is it missing?  Grayed out?  Make sure you are connected via USB.  I don't think it will let you do much in there unless wired.  

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Thanks. It's not doing anything when clicking it. It's not greyed or anything and yes I'm connected via usb.

But I opened it again and some screen took me to overwrite the profile screen. But when ique is closed the colors on my keyboard change and i don't get it. I set Blue Mural i think and did overwrite profile. But when I close the app the keys lighting changes.

sorry i am totally confused. i dont know how to take a screen shot and upload. im using win 11.

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"Murals" do not work in wireless mode and are not an actual lighting profile.  They present some confusion for new CUE users who see their prominent placement as an indication of it being the default or normal way to use CUE.  It is not.  Murals are the evolution of what was formerly known as "Instant Lighting".  This was a very fast way to drop a single color or simple effect over your entire system.  Feeling pink today?  Click up at the top bar and choose pink and everything turned that color without having to create or modify a profile.  Murals can still work for that purpose, but think of it as as throwing a temporary cover over what is already there.  Murals only work when CUE is running.


You'll need to create an actual software profile from the page shown below.  There likely is one there already called "default" and there is nothing special about it.  You can rename it anything you like.  Since your intent is not use CUE after this, you likely want to save a couple of different lighting patterns and thus will need a couple of different software profiles to act as the holder for that information.  The save slot name will be the same as the profile name, so name the profile something that helps you remember what is inside.


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  • 1 month later...

So sorry it's been so long since I been here. Lot going on.

I've done what you said and it didn't work at first. And finally for some reason it was ok. No idea. Then yesterday it stopped having the color keys I want. I didn't do anything/change anything. So I came back here to re read what you said and it might be ok. iCue not running and the keys are what I set in the hardware lighting. Bujt there's 3 profiles where you save it. I really only need one. 

Here's how it looks now.


iCUE 3_25_2024 2_12_43 AM.png

iCUE 3_25_2024 2_13_24 AM.png

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If you only need to save one profile, that should be easy but don't worry if you add more.  You can cycle between those profiles when CUE is not running by using the "profile" button on the KB.  It should be top left on the K100 AIR.  


Even if you only intend to use one profile, it is easy to make copies of it in CUE (drop down menu -> copy profile), rename it, then change the color.  That will give you a couple of options for a momentary mood without needing to load CUE again.  You also can save a static black color to make a lights off profile.  A lot of users who leave their PC on all day like this and it also has battery saving implications for the Air model.  

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I guess it's ok now, but always nervous something goes wrong when turning keyboard on. It did mess up once and I had to come back here to re read your info. Seems ok for now I think. I changed the color to a blue like color and turned down its brightness a bit from before. 

You have no idea how grateful i am to you. The iCue app is VERY confusing to me and for me at least not user friendly.


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