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Corsair CP-8920335 12VHPWR GPU Power Bridge


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What are everyone's thoughts on this? By now we know all about the failures of the CableMod adapters and the lengths they've gone to assist customers in replacing GPUs that have been damaged. We also know the cause of the failure and the updated v2 of that adapter that will use the revised standard for both the 12+6pin connector as well as the updated pins. CableMod has stated there were other changes that were not revealed but speculation is that it contains a thermistor much like how the new EVGA PSUs do (though it's location is kind of useless) so even if a poor connection fails to trip the disconnect, the thermistor is there for backup.

The new Corsair one looks great. It has a small footprint and holy cow NO RGB!?!?! However the one thing I don't want to see in the marketing is that it's rated to withstand high temps. Even under synthetic benchmark stressing, the connector on my 4090 is barely warm to the touch. It doesn't matter if the adapter is rated to high temps because if it reaches that point there's a problem. Who cares if the adapter can withstand 105C when the melting of the GPUs connector will be well underway.  Or is this just poorly worded marketing and that 105C is the upper limit of a thermistor in the adapter and upon reaching that it will open the circuit?

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