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HX1000i Wont show in ICUE

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I have an HX1000i and before it was showing in iCue, I formatted my PC and reinstalled windows 10 and its suddenly gone, though its showing in bluetooth and other devices. Also HWMonitor was sometimes picking it up, but one time all the values were messed up like 9999999438.

I formatted my PC again today but this time with windows 11, And it still isn't showing in iCue, But its showing in bluetooth and other devices, also on iCue on the update page I get "Loading error, Update not available or failed to load.


I have tried different USB ports, unplugging it and reinstalling iCue, then plugging it back in, etc.


Does anyone know how to fix?

Edited by Synnx
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Make sure you reinstall your chipset drivers that govern USB traffic.  Are there other Corsair devices in CUE and they are working fine?


However, there is another strange possibility.  Several users have reported a PSU detection issue in the last year that was caused by a language mismatch between Windows and CUE.  It still seems strange, but on the outside it looked like a common detection issue.  

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Hi I have a similar problem - I have an older H100i cooler - and have the same issue - had to re-install OS etc - and the latest version of iCUE finds my AX760i PSU and M65 / K95 Mouse/keyboard -- but no sign of the H100i. 

Reading the documentation for iCUE as I read it says the H100i is compatible, so would be expected to show up.

Looking back to shat I had installed in the past I also had Link Installed - Have reinstalled it and yes the H100i is shown - so its not the hardware - more iCUE is not finding the cooler.

So it may be worth Synnx installing the LINK software to verify if the H1000i is at least found there ?


Added this here as looks to be almost the same experience - dont intend to hijack the tread - so if not appropriate will start another.

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My other iCue devices (lighting node core, dominator platinum, h150i elite) are working fine, I can change RGB/Fan speed normally.


Also HWMonitor takes forever to open, and is showing crazy values only for the PSU though, I'll attach an image here.


Could it be a problem with the usb?




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2 hours ago, Synnx said:

lso HWMonitor takes forever to open, and is showing crazy values only for the PSU though, I'll attach an image here.


Could be.  Might also be software conflict.  Open the task manager and quit the CUE app, the Corsair.Service 32bit, and the Corsair.Service CPUIDremote.  Then launch HWMon or HWINFO and see if it can properly read the PSU.  If not, that does suggest a cable or PSU problem.  If it reads it just fine, it seems more like a CUE problem.  Generally HWMon and CUE don't cross swords since they both use CPUID to gather data, but I don't run an "i" PSU anymore so I can't say it never happens.  

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Well on my previous install of windows, Both iCue and HWMonitor both worked and showed correct values, I'm not sure why it isn't now, Even on a fresh windows 10, And the next day, Fresh windows 11, I installed iCue before HWMonitor, and it still wasn't showing.


I ended all Corsair processes and opened HWMonitor, values are still bugged, I have no idea why its doing this, All I did was reinstall windows, I'll try a different motherboard usb port, and let you know if anything changes.



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Ignore what I said above, I restarted my PC and its showing in HWMonitor with the correct values, But no luck with iCue.


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Ok, so that would seem to rule out a problem with the usb or data output on the PSU. It has the appearance of a software conflict, but this is more common with fan controllers. The long, slow load for HWMon suggests it is getting tangled up and the garbage data is the number 1 clue for this kind of stuff. 

I don’t use HWMon much. If it has the ability to exclude monitoring of the PSU, do that. It may also have some type of safety switch in the settings for specific types of devices or PSU specific plugin options. I’ll try and look later this morning and see.  This could be why the previous install was fine but your new Win install is giving you problems. 

Are the Commander Core values messed up as well?  That’s where we normally see this. 


*I don't see any options in HWMon to alleviate this.  However, if you are using the installed version, try using the zip.file version instead that only deploys when launched.  

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I did download and install iCue before HWMonitor on both installs, And it wasn't showing, so I don't think its because of HWMonitor.

Also, I don't see the Commander Core in HWMonitor, And on iCue there is no values, just fans with RGB, it might be because I plugged the fans into the h150i core, which is where I control all of my case fans under "Fan #1", always worked fine though, was never an issue.


I tried the .zip version and its showing the PSU still with the correct values, but iCue isn't, I also tried reinstalling iCue completely and deleting the folders / regedit values, with no luck.

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I did check the PSU USB cable and it does seem damaged actually, But it was working before on a previous install, and its showing on windows + HWMonitor with the correct values, So im not sure why iCue isn't picking it up.


The damage is just a little bit of plastic, I must of plugged it in the wrong direction at one point, I will attach an image showing what is broke, but its still reporting fine in windows and HWMonitor.



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Is this the new HX1000i with the black stripe down the side?  Or the prior named version with blue lettering?  If the new, I think that is a USB-C output on the PSU.  If you have any of the common phone chargers or with USB-C to C or A you can run that to the back IO panel on the motherboard.  That would rule out a connector problem and if it is still not showing, then we have some weird issue in play.

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I only have USB-C to normal USB, I will try it though and let you know.

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So I tried my USB-C to USB phone charger, It wasn't detected in iCue, but it was under bluetooth and other devices, it also showed in HWMonitor with correct values.


Also my windows is English (United Kingdom), So I don't think its the language issue you were talking about earlier.

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15 minutes ago, Synnx said:

Also my windows is English (United Kingdom), So I don't think its the language issue you were talking about earlier.

No, that went out the window when you got the garbage values.  Users affected by that have no problem with HWinfo, AIDA, or anything else and info is always accurate.  CUE simply never will detect the PSU.  Problem on the CUE side. 


In your CUE settings, turn on debug logging and I think it's time to start a support ticket with Corsair.  I am not sure why this is being so stubborn.  

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I have sumbitted a ticket to them but they haven't replied yet, ill get the logs for them for when they ask, Thanks again for your help, I appreciate it.

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