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iCUE Mouse Settings - is it On or Off?


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I'm confused. See the toggle buttons in the screenshot?

I'm expecting a right toggle to be considered as ON, but it looks "off" because is has no color.

Compare the Angle Snapping with Button Response Optimization, the latter being Off but shows as lit... see my confusion? 🙂


Can someone please confirm what is On and what is Off?


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That should be off and the button should not be yellow. I’ll assume you’ve already done the obvious and toggled it a few times and it’s still stuck on yellow. 

It’s probably some type of UI glitch but I have not seen anyone else mention it yet, so it might be a single instance. Go to the Windows apps list and click on Corsair iCUE. In the drop down menu select “modify” then follow the prompts. This will not erase profiles or settings but often cleans up weird issues like this. 

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23 hours ago, c-attack said:

That should be off and the button should not be yellow. I’ll assume you’ve already done the obvious and toggled it a few times and it’s still stuck on yellow. 

It’s probably some type of UI glitch but I have not seen anyone else mention it yet, so it might be a single instance. Go to the Windows apps list and click on Corsair iCUE. In the drop down menu select “modify” then follow the prompts. This will not erase profiles or settings but often cleans up weird issues like this. 

I didn't try any further since I didn't know what is on/off.

When you mean "that should be off"? you refer to the toggle being on the left side? or in grey color?


I  did the "modify" process, it still shows the same.

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The yellow should disappear when the button is in the left position (off).  Click the button on/off a few times to see if it changes.  It is not doing this on my Dark Core.  I'll see if I can scrounge up a M65 Elite, but this seems like some type of UI glitch.  



Screenshot (5).png

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Not seeing this on the M65 Elite either.  Mystery glitch.


Screenshot (6).png

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1 hour ago, c-attack said:

Not seeing this on the M65 Elite either.  Mystery glitch.


Screenshot (6).png

I wonder if it has to do with the fact the by mistake, Win11 UI got changed to Hebrew, from right to left, though I changed it back to US English.

Can I uninstall iCUE without losing settings?


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You can uninstall and choose to “keep your settings”. This leaves the C:user/app data folder and all your profiles intact. However, the repair install does exactly that and it didn’t work. 

The normal next step would be a clean install. This is where you delete the program, its contents, and any lingering registry entries. Before you do that, make sure you export and valuable CUE profiles. They can be reimported easily, but you will need to setup hardware lighting, dashboard, basic cue settings, and any customized graphics on reinstall. Nexus screens are also a separate export and not part of profiles. 


You also can ignore this error  the worst case is button optimization is on when it should be off.  It might be hard to tell if it’s on or off  more likely it’s just a visual glitch and selector switch is working as intended. 


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@c-attackis there a registry value I can check to see the off/on toggle value?

What does the button optimization do?

p.s. - testing the mouse movement with Angle Snapping and Pointer Presicion when they are gryed out (off / righ position in my case), feels like a raw mouse movement, as if I have less control over it.


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Button optimization is supposed to help with "debounce time"  or the required interval between button presses.  If you play some aggressive games with extremely rapid mouse clicks it may help.  If you do not, it is likely irrelevant whether it is on or off.  


4 hours ago, Gil80 said:

testing the mouse movement with Angle Snapping and Pointer Presicion when they are gryed out (off / righ position in my case), feels like a raw mouse movement, as if I have less control over it.

It is raw and unaided.  Depends on what you are used to.  Feel free to turn them on or off to preference.  No relation to the stuck button or its feature.


The toggle from click to free scrolling should be a software feature, assuming the middle mouse click is working.  You can test that by remapping middle mouse button to any random letter from the keyboard, then clicking in a typing field to demonstrate the button works.  If it does, then that is software glitch #2 and I think you should do a clean install.  

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