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corsair i164 - BOSD error - rgb white also not regconised in IQUE4


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can anyone help me with this

i IQUE  - never seems to pic up the i164 so the lights just stay white - im not sure if this is down it it needing a update bios to work better alongside ique or not.

I also have stated getting a BOSD  - it happens randomly then the system restarts and its fine... i dont even get a chance to get the code etc?

Should i RMA the unit as there is still a small amount of warrenty on it or are these a coupld of simple updates / fixes




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Some things you could try:

- Make sure you have updated iCUE to the latest version. If you have, then try fully uninstalling iCUE (Including registry entries) then re-install it.

- Make sure your BIOS is updated to the latest that Corsair have provided for your C1 model.

- With your PC off, remove the RAM sticks and then put them back in, making sure that they are seated properly.

- Clear the motherboard CMOS.

If this doesn't work, unless someone else can pitch in with other options, you can try doing a clean install of Windows before going the RMA route.

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