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WTF Corsair


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Turned my pc on today and my Icue dash is completely empty, after the recent update to version 4 Icue has turned in to a giant turd and i cannot for the life of me find the previous version, Corsair you need to realize that you are not the only providers of cooling....rgb...... ram.....mice......keyboard..... need i go on, your Icue needs to work flawlessly with the likes of Aisuite and Dragon center if you want people like me to continue to buy your products, dont tell me its up to Asus and Msi.....its not, unless your going to provide us with Corsair motherboards and gpu`s to complete our eco systems.....its you that needs to fully support the rest of the world, dont get me wrong ive been really happy with all my Corsair products but they need proper software to make them the best hardware and worthy of my money.
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aah i thought you were after the V3, my bad.


If it hasn't changed, you should be able to get any version by changing the adress manually to tweak the iCUE version number you are looking for, if you remember it.

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Last update screwed mine after initially being fine installing over ICue 3, which i have now gone back to. Earlier v4 was fine so i might just upgrade to that and await better news on an update
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