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pc restarting

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My pc is restarting without warning lately. Screen just goes black ,fans and lights are on. Then restart. And now when it happens sometimes the the only visible power after a crash is the rgb on the memory dimms. I have to unplug the power supply and re plug to start pc. I have the AX 760i. It's 5 years old and had daily use. Warranty is good for 5 more years. Any advice?
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Is anything logged in event viewer?

Or is it a event ID 43 "the previous shutdown wasn't expected" kinda message only?

If so, Id start with trying the system with another PSU if you can. I had a failing RM750i, and it kept causing black-screen reboots. Once replaced under warranty system has been good.

I tested with another PSU first, and confirmed the issue stopped happening with that.

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After searching for answers I found something related to Icue. Since this started to happen after updating to v4 (never gave it thought) I uninstalled icue, cleaned the registry of any items.

My pc hasn't crashed since. I reinstalled the latest v3 icue and everything seems to be in order. I'm hoping it was a bug in the software and not my psu.

Seeing this chart had me thinking it was underpowering the pc.https://ibb.co/RQsyNFf

Fingers crossed the problem is solved. This is the message I get in event viewer.

"The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly."


I rma'd my first 760i.It quit after a month. I hope this one can live out it's warranty.


Thanks for your help. :)

Edited by Talon1
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I am having the exact same problem: when ICUE is installed I have random hard restarts of my computer, black screen and restart. Nothing in the event viewer because the crash is too hard and fast.


When ICUE is not installed, there are no more crashes. I tested 4 times for several days and the result is always the same, when ICUE is installed I get crashes and when ICUE is uninstalled the problem goes away.


My computer is a Dell Precision laptop and the only corsair components I use are a K95 keyboard and a Nexus which are useless without the ICUE software.


I have tested with ICUE V3 and V4 and I am experiencing this problem with both versions.

I am also getting crashes when my laptop is not connected to the keyboard and Nexus, ICUE Software installed and his services running is enough to crash my system.


This is really a Corsair software issue and it seems nobody at Corsair cares, the first posts about similar issues can be found from 2018 and this issue is still present for some users in 2021!

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Just because you don't have a problem doesn't mean there isn't a problem.


Several users have made the same experience, ICUE = Crash, no ICUE = No more crash, sometimes blue screen of death, sometimes hard reset like on my configuration ...


I'm aware that ICUE will not cause problem on every system but on mine it's a reality.

On the Microsoft Surface of my son it seems that there is no problem with ICUE.


All I know is that for now my Corsair keyboard and Nexus are useless.


Regardless I still open to every trick or beta release or old version who can help to use ICUE without experience hard reset of my system.

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A bit of software causing black-screen restarts seems very unusual to me.

Typically even a GPU driver crash wont cause such a hard crash that nothing is logged.


My experience of black screen crashes has been power supply related.


However given you seem to have isolated this to iCue and on a laptop of all things, Id recommend opening a case with Corsair support.

Perhaps they can help you with some debugging to actually get logs of this happening.


If you can reliably re-create this, all the better. Good luck.

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