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New H150i will not power on

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I'll read the manual, watched the videos and I've reinstalled it 3 times now, but it will not power up. The fans are not spinning, but each have a lit small green led in them. The PC takes about 1 minute to overheat. I've unplugged a hard drive and used a its SATA power cable to ensure the power is hot.


iCUE doesn't see it either.


Any ideas or is it just dead out of the box.



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It would appear to be DOA. The 60 second overheat confirms there is no moving fluid. Pump LED should light up as well. Since it does not appear to be a SATA issue on your end, I don't see much you can do and that needs to go back. I am assuming this is H150i Pro of H150i XT. The H150i Elite must be run through it's special cable to the Commander Core for power.
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If you ever made it up to Windows and got CUE open, did you see the AIO pump head picture in CUE? Or just the "Commander Core" controller picture? There were 1 or 2 people in here that had a weird first experience. You might try full power down, flip the PSU switch, then disconnect the special Elite wide cable on the end from pump and Com Core. Re-connect and re-power. That worked for 1 person, but if not I would say take it back.
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