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680x- 360 front rad-280 top?


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I would be extremely cautious. Several users had difficulties with 360 + 240, which was surprising to me. 280 is going to be extremely difficult without modding. If you go 360 on the front, you may need to go 240s top/bottom. The other option would be 2x280 which can go in any of the three mounting locations.


This is from another thread in the system mod section, but illustrates the difficulties. Most people will want the 3x120 fans on the glass side of the front rail to show them off. That puts the larger radiator behind. You can see they moved the fans back as far as possible, but it does not allow the 2nd fan to bolt in. With the even larger (than 280mm) radiator, you are going to have a collision.



Edited by c-attack
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