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System showing 1/4 of installed memory


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Hi All, I built a new PC yesterday with an Aorus X470 mobo, Ryzen 7 2700X and 32Gb Vengeance LPX RAM (Corsair CMK32GX4M2A2400C16 Vengeance LPX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB). The system can see both sticks but reports they are 4Gb each rather than 16Gb. I've tried both mobo slot configurations (1/2 and 3/4) with the same results. Does anyone have any ideas on what's going on?
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Thanks for the reply. When you say 1-3, 2-4 do you mean 1st and 3rd slot etc? If so then that is how I installed it (the slots are labelled in 1,3,2,4 order). However, I’ve just looked at the manual again and I’d installed from the recommendation for optimum performance but it is contradicted with the channel info which states 1-3, 2-4 order, i.e sticks installed next to each other. I’ve got a headache now - time to take the case apart and move them around I think.
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Thanks for the reply. When you say 1-3, 2-4 do you mean 1st and 3rd slot etc? If so then that is how I installed it (the slots are labelled in 1,3,2,4 order). However, I’ve just looked at the manual again and I’d installed from the recommendation for optimum performance but it is contradicted with the channel info which states 1-3, 2-4 order, i.e sticks installed next to each other. I’ve got a headache now - time to take the case apart and move them around I think.


According to the manual for your MB, it definitely says 1-2 or 3-4 so just make sure there is a slot free in between each stick. So, if you populate the furthest slot on the left which is DDR4_4, skip the next slot and then populate DDR4_3 for example.

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Thanks for your help with this but it looks like the memory is either faulty or mislabelled. Even with a single stick installed it was showing as 4Gb and I’ve now put in 2x8Gb sticks from the machine I’ve moved from and they are being recognised with no problems. Looks like I’m returning the new sticks for replacement.
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Oops - what I meant to ask, if I’m replacing the RAM anyway am I better going for a replacement 2x16Gb or 4x8Gb?


I don't think it matters either way, as they'll run in dual-channel mode regardless. I'm not aware of any specific benefits of 2x dual channel (4 sticks of ram) vs. just 1 (2 sticks).



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