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Garbage Over Complicated Software


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I just unplugged my Corsair mouse and swung it by the cable into the floor until it was in 100 pieces. After watching several user youtube videos just to get the buttons programed I log on to find that key 7,8,9,10,11,12 that I had to program to key 7-12 decided to instead activate as q,w,e,r,d,f when I never programmed it that way. Checking the action macros it tells me 7 is 7 and so on but Im hitting it in Notepad and it comes out as q.


Thanks for wasting my 50 dollars. Why did I ever switch from Razor? Ill never buy any corsair products again. You cant plug in play, this product requires a computer science degree. I never had to program my Razor, 7 is 7.....not q....


Get it right and use your common sense

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