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Buzzing noise from the pump (Corsair Hydro Series H75)


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Hello. A few days ago I bought water cooler H75 series and unfortunately the pump emits a loud, buzzing/electric sound. I replaced the cooling for the new in the store but also in the new unit is the same problem.


I tried all the methods I found in the forums. I checked whether the fans do not emit noise. I shook the heatsink when the pump was running to remove the air from the circuit. I kept the computer on the side but the effect was still the same.


As for installation. I set the heat sink so that the pipes came out from underneath. The pump is connected to SYS_FAN via a 3 pin cable and I set its power to 100% (about 1450-1500 rpm) in the BIOS. Fans are connected via Y cable to CPU_FAN. When I set the pump power to 80% in BIOS the sound is much more bearable. However, I have read that the pump must be turned on at full power otherwise it can get damaged. I do not know if this is true.


I also thought that maybe it was vibration. I dismantled the entire computer and re-checked to see if everything was well assembled.


Currently I have no more ideas and I do not know what to do next. I can try to return once more to the store but it will not give me any guarantee that the next unit will also be defective. As for Corsair's technical support, they have written me advices that can not be applied to the model I own. Here is the tips from them:


"Please try these steps to see if it will fix your issue


- single wire, 3pin plug cable is connected to CPU_FAN header (not CPU_OPT, CHA_FAN, SYS_FAN)

- BIOS fan control for CPU_FAN is disabled, set to maximum speed or PWM mode

- stock radiator fans plugged into the pump via Y-cable

- USB cable from pump is connected to an internal USB 2.0 header


Also, kindly install Corsair Link and set your profile to silent or balanced."


By single, 3pin plug cable i assume pump cable. I connected it to CPU_FAN and disabled fan control but there was no difference in noise

As for the last two points, none of them I can apply in my unit.


Its a bit of a shame because the cooling is really good. It keeps the CPU cool. If the problem is not resolved then I will have to go back to air cooling :(


Link to YT: [ame]https://youtu.be/ACw0aysEuXw[/ame]


PS. By the way, sorry if my english is bad :P

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Some of the things you have referenced do not apply to the H75 as it is a non-Link cooler. The one that really matters is setting the header powering the H75 pump to 100%/PWM/12v or however MSI indicates describes it.


Unfortunately, what that sounds like is typical small pump buzz. There isn't anything wrong with it, that is the sound of a small electrical pump. You will always be able to hear it at close range, unless other noise covers over it. If you can hear it with the case shut and in whatever location you want it, then that is a bigger problem. You can contact Corsair technical support and see how they explain the product's marketing, "The reliable pump mechanism is designed for silence."


Something is always going to be the loudest thing in the case. It is easier when it's fan noise. That is a diffuse sound most of us are used to. Pump noise is different and the buzz more perceptible. I have the same issue with a non-Corsair small pump on my GPU. 3 test models, 3 different and unique pump sounds. I am getting used to it and part of that is having a higher noise floor in the room. I run my idle fan speeds a little higher than needed to cover up the more irritating pump sound. That is something I can push out of my mind. A ceiling fan is enough as well. If you are one of those people who cannot block this from your mind, have your case right on your desk 18 inches from your ear, or otherwise demand complete silence from your system, you are not likely going to be happy with any water cooler. The pump is an extra mechanical device that has to make noise.

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Well. I have already reported this to the Corsair so I will see what they answer me. As for the noise, I still do not think it is normal. My friend has H100i Extreme Performance and no such problems with the pump (maybe because his cooling is more expensive than mine). In his i can hear the normal pump noise (flowing fluid) and not the buzzing, big mosquito trapped in the computer case. And yes. I can hear it from closed case.


The only solution I see at this moment is the reduction of pump speed in the BIOS. If the Corsair writes that it will not damage the pump then the matter will be resolved. If not, well for me this noise level is unacceptable so I will go back to air cooling


Thanks anyway for your comment :)


PS. I just got a reply from Corsair where they wrote that this is the normal pump sound :(


Unfortunately they still did not reply to me if I can set a lower pump speed.


"That sound is normal and safe, as long as your temperature isn't affected then it's okay."


Or maybe the second part of the sentence refers to the speed of the pump. I don't know

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They are not going to give you an unconditional authorization to run it at lower voltages. Long term it is likely to shorten the lifespan. It may work short term, however from experience the buzz tends to follow you down the ladder. After a few weeks, that speed that was buzz free becomes buzzy. Slide down some more, the process repeats. It is just more frustration.


No, not all pumps are buzzy in the same way. Smaller models tend to be more noticeable because they need a very high cycle rate to be effective, given the smaller radiator surface area. I have a H110 that is virtually silent and another non-Corsair model that turns twice the speed near 3000 rpm and it is still virtually undetectable. That said, my little GPU model turns somewhere around 3000-4000 rpm and is louder than 6 case fans and the other cooler combined -- and I went through 3 of them to be sure.


On a 6600K you should be able to use any decent to large air cooler with very good results. If really want to try water cooling, you could choose a 240mm cooler for the front intake on S340. That may be a better set-up than a single 120 on the top or rear.

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