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Corsair 2500 PSU defekt


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Sorry for writing in german.

Short Version: Im very disapointed the PSU Board of my Sub has faulty parts.

My Mosfet blew up and i replaced it, but still the Sub is not working and the volume of the others two speakers is still very unloud.

Wel who knows what other parts are damaged too... Im no engineer.

Which is a shame for a so called "premium" product to have such a low Quality....

Internet is full of the same issue... Back then i expected they at least last as long as my rubbish creativ or logitech set ( these are still alive though...) After maybe 15years!

But at least a better Quality than a supermarket system... Such a shame for a awesome system to use such terrible PSU Board.

Anyway as Corsair does not have any Spareparts anyway ( the heck?!) Nice customer service btw...

Does any experianced user know a way to get my sub back to life? With another AMP or something.

I love the system, even if i complain of bad quality... the sound is very fine!

Little bit saulty if i had known this bad parts, i would not have bought some for that money, but trusted Corsair QM...



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To be honest, no idea how to jumpstart this?

Well i ordered another PSU Board from USA.

Found a reseller on ebay.

Strange he has many PSU for SP2500 in stock.

Just search on ebay.com and u will find. Thats my advice for anyone who has the same issue.

At least this vendor seems to make okay money with this issued parts from Corsair as i payed 90$ included shipping and tax to germany...

But still cheaper than an similiar system though... Hope this PSU wont blew away after a couple of years too. Maybe should have bought two..

Well i will post an update after i replaced it.

Still wondering why this company has dozens of PSU in Stock. Maye they searched the dumping grounds for dead Sub and repaired them? I am not a beginner in these parts as was a system technician. The soldering and parts (cheap capacitors etc.) really look not too good on this PSU Corsair used( seems to be the same as in some Phillips product) But hard to deal with SMD parts.

Anyway i hope Corsair learned from this and im still looking forward to see another 2.1 System coming up maybe from them. I would suggest Corsair SP3.... Series :) i also own memory, Case and PSU from Corsair. Should be not too hard to use a good PSU next time for PSU experts? :)

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