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H110i really bad temps


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Hi guys, i recently replaced the stock fans on the H110i for new SP140s but it increased my cpu temperature quite significantly even when running at max speed. I was running a 5930K at 4.4GHz @ 1.30v. When playing Ghost Recon:Wildlands, i would hit mid 70c. But now simply starting up ghost recon at stock settings my cpu reaches mid 70s and if i were to run at my old settings it gets hotter than 90c and crashes my computer. I have attached my CL4, CPU-Z and realtemp screenshot at idle + realtemp logs. Please advice!



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Hey guys i have a similar problem with overheating. Maybe someone can help me out.


I have replaced the stock fans on the 110i gtx with Noctua NF-A14 industrialPPC-2000 IP67 PWM 500-2000 U/min


its running ok and quiete ,today i had a closer look and found it that the max rev of the fan is about 1020 rpm. that will put me into the 70 degress on stock settings.The Fan should be able to run faster.


thanks in advance

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I have reconnected my two radiator fans to the pump and uninstalled AI Suite 3. Somehow my coolant temperature has dropped but i assumed from googling that its still really high for an idle temp?


Ideally post the whole CL4 [home] tab so we can see all the information.


It's still way too high and I wonder if the pump had failed. How hot do the hoses to and from the radiator feel and what about the radiator itself.


If the pump as failed then the radiator and/or hoses will be at room temperature rather than 48°C.

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I forgot to mention this but when i first boot up the system after installing the new fans, my cpu was insanely hot like 95c and above just booting it up. The fans were spinning but i got a bsod and after that, i couldn't boot it would just display an error page that said "CPU temperature too high, press F1 to enter setup". In the bios it display my cpu temp as 85c. At first i thought a sensor might have broke or something but i went to feel the tubes and it really did feel warm. After reconnecting the two radiator fans, i was able to boot but the temps became like this where the coolant is too hot. The tubes feels like room temperature but the radiator is slightly warm. Heres a screenshot of CL4. I had no idea why the cpu was so hot at first and how does reconnecting my two fans even solve that :O


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I had no idea why the cpu was so hot at first and how does reconnecting my two fans even solve that :O


It hasn't and I suspect the pump has failed.


Request an RMA for via https://corsair.secure.force.com/home/home.jsp and see what they say. Remember to upload the original invoice and you mat wish to ask for an express RMA.


I advise against using the system 'till this issue is resolved.

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ok i'll take that advice. just a quick question, do i have to send back the box in which it came and do i send back the stock fans too?


AFAIK you have to send back all the hardware, but don't need the original box.


If you opt for the express RMA then you get the new one and then return the old one, so you could use the new box. I also suspect they will send you the new model which is the H110i :biggrin:.


What country are you in?

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