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CUE 7.1 Wired USB


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I just want to start with this: This headset has had this problem for a while but the more I hope that there will be a firmware fix, the more I realise it probably won't come so I might as well make a post.

The Dolby mode on the headset starts randomly buzzing for no reason, like the headset will be completely fine for hours and hours of use then on some days when I turn my PC on/wake it up from sleep or start using the headset after a while of not using it (Like when I wake up... Computer doesn't get switched off that often). And when I say buzzing its more like white noise when loud explosions or even on my music. A simple re-plug fixes the issue for a while. Also this is definitely a headset issue because it happens on my phone/laptops and my desktop. Lastly, this headset was purchased just over a year ago.

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