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BEWARE the mail in rebate

hank scorpio

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Hi, everyone--


Not long ago I purchased a RMx Series RM850X 850W PSU that came with a $20 rebate.


After filling out all of the required forms and submitting all of the required information (completed form, dated receipt and UPC) before the specified deadline, I received an email from the company processing these rebates.


The message was my rebate is invalid because I didn't provide a UPC. Not true. I performed due diligence and provided everything required within their required time frame.


Following up on this, I contacted Corsair customer service who very politely told me it wasn't their department and directed me to the rebate company's website.


Following that link, I submitted an email and was given an opportunity to chat with them about this. Well, after waiting for the rep to send me all the lines from his script on this matter, I explained I *did* in fact provide a UPC and can no longer mail one in to complete this. All I received from the rep was him saying they can't proceed without the UPC.


I understand I'm not the only one who has suffered in this scam and also understand I should have photographed or copied all of my submitted info for a case like this, but, honestly, why should I have to? If an image of all the required information can be accepted, why bother submitting all the other items in the first place?


I also wish companies like Corsair would stop doing business with these thieves. It reflects poorly on them.


Anyway, learn from this and make copies of everything before you send it in the mail so these people can't take your money.



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I stopped buying anything that has a mail in rebate years ago. These rebate companies always deny first and make a customer jump through hoops. If there is a mail in rebate I just look the other way. Amazing that these companies are still scamming people.
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