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Commander Mini


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Howdy lads,


I am new to this forum after buying some corsair products.

My latest purchase was





Now using link software I started digging and it came to my knowlegde about the commander mini. I really digg this, mostly because it in one place and secondly it will only use 1 USB header on the board. Aswell the option to control rgb lights inside the case makes me wanna have it.


However looking at the detail specs, installation drawings and the cables that come with the PSU and CPU cooler thats not a match. Looks like the commander mini is using older connections. I aint sure about that though.


Now is there a way to get the AXi and H110gt connected to the commander ?


If not has anyone has some news regarding a update about the mini of supporting both mentioned ? Or were those cables can be purchased ? I cant seem to find them on corsair website at all which leeds me to believe it aint possible for now.

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Off course didnt think the supplied cable of the AXi could connect to the commander. Stupid me.


Regarding the H100iGT its a pitty.

I would love to have it centralised.


No news about a updated version coming soon of the mini ?

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Regarding the H110iGT its a pitty. I would love to have it centralised.


No news about a updated version coming soon of the mini ?


So would I and feel it's silly it can't when the H100i + H80i can.


I have never known Corsair to comment on unreleased products.

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So would I and feel it's silly it can't when the H100i + H80i can.


I have never known Corsair to comment on unreleased products.


Well probably due to the difference in manufacters.

Agreed I havent seen any company comment on any unreleased product.


But I had a slight hope the told something as a teaser here in the forum.

Or maybe someone knew a tad bit more. :laughing:


I knew it was a long shot but if you aint asking you`ll never known offcourse

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