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corsair link 4.0 fluctuating fan speeds


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I am using the Corsair Link version and I am constantly getting fluctuating fan speeds. It doesn't matter whether its set to performance, balanced, quiet, fixed, custom, or any of the settings. I am constantly getting a fluctuation in fan speed. For example, in performance mode the bottom end fan speed is 1740-1800 rpm and the top end is 1980-2040 rpm. you can hear the speed change as its like its being fed more voltage and going on and off of the high end and low end speed every 2 seconds. So 2 seconds of high end speed and 2 seconds of low end speed. Is this a glitch or just how its intended to work? I never had this problem on the previous versions of Link.


Using a 110GTX with 4 Corsair fans in push / pull setup.

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I had the same problem but it was caused by Aida64. I run it all the time because i made G19 applet which get info from it. I solved the issue with opening Aida64 preferences=>Hardware Monitoring and checked set Asetek fan speed and set it min to 1 and max to 1



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I don't run aida64 but I do run HWinfo. I was unable to find the reason why the fan speed was fluctuating so much so I just rolled back to the previous version. Its not as clean looking but it got rid of the annoying constant speed change. Plus it cools much better actually running the same rpm the whole time.


Thanks for the info though

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