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Motherboard + RAM = Errors!


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Hello, please tell me, I gathered myself system unit, in which established:










Intel i3-6100






Corsair Vengeance LPX 8 GB (2x4 GB) DDR4 2400 MHz




And everything else.


After pressing the power button, started working power supply, case fans, hard desk, LED lights under the motherboard, but *EZ Debug LED, lit up in red, showing, that the problem with RAM, BIOS not squeak!


Checked all the slots! In the dual-channel mode and then in single channel and still EZ Debug LED, lights up red. If you remove the RAM from the motherboard, BIOS squeak! So working slots?


Yes, I am before you buy, read technical data motherboard, only the frequency of 2133 MHz! But is it, motherboard should not be left to run it at a rate that suited her?

Especially in the technical data, the RAM, it is written that it supports frequency of 2133 MHz!


I took a RAM, to be honest for future upgrades, but so it turns out that the motherboard it does not want to be friends because of overpriced frequency?


Googling a bit, I found out that a possible reason:


Motherboard put incorrect timings, which results in an error.


Possible Solution:


Put the RAM with any frequency of 2133 MHz, set the correct timings, then put my back, and will be good start.


Question about Corsair specialists and other Guru, is this correct decision?


*EZ Debug LED - diagnostic tool that with the help of lights on the motherboard shows the error (CPU, DRAM, VGA), if it occurred at the stage of testing the BIOS.


Translated Google translator, sorry)


The original text in Russian language


The original text in Russian language.txt

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