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NFL Logos

ProfeZZor X

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Hey guys, for the last couple of weeks, I've been trying to come up with some ideas on how to create some NFL logos for my K70. I gotta say I'm a huge Miami Dolphins fan, but I don't want to just create a wave, or ripple of their team colors alternating. I was thinking maybe a crude and rudimentary logo shape in the center of the keyboard, and then have the two other team colors (white & orange) rippling behind the logo (but keeping the center logo the same (aqua) color).


Is something like that even possible?

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If I understood correctly you mean a static logo in the middle, with the team colors rippling on the rest of the keys.

Grouping keys should allow it to be possible.

So you group the logo up as a group for itself, and make a group for the remaining keys and make a ripple effect for that group.

You probably wouldn't even need a group for the logo, but it would likely make it easier to perceive where the logo is.

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