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Drilled a hole through my H110 radiator. please help!


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Hello all,


This is the first rig I'm building and I made a mistake and I want to know if its even a big issue.


So with the H110, its to my understanding that the fans should be sandwiched between the radiator and the ceiling of my NZXT H440 case.


I saw in some videos that some people would sandwich the radiator between the ceiling of the case and the fans underneath. I guess the reason why people did this is to push the air upwards and through the radiator and also be able to see the nice fans.


My problem is that when I put the radiator against the case, I accidentally still used the long screws instead of the short ones and drilled a hole through the radiator.


Will this be a problem?



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to confirm....just trying to get the lingo down. I think I drilled a hole through the fins of the radiator. the tubes and everything are perfectly fine. its basically when the screw goes in to attach the fans and the radiator. punched 4 holes :(
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It looks like the tubes are all fine. Quite literally just drilled 4 holes with the screw from 1 side to the other. I'm assuming drilling a hole through the fins should not cause any leakage. The h110 has been sitting in a box all night and I don't see any liquid. I'm assuming that's a good sign? Or will I only know once this thing is hooked up and running if there will be leaks? Thanks
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while you can bend the fins as they hold no liquid,they are still connected to the tubes where liquid is contained.,if enough force is used on the fins it may be possible to compromise a tube.

I would tun the hydro outside the computer for a while just to be on the safe side...

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Agreed on running it first, but in order to be more certain that there isn't any damage to the cross tubes, it would be good to warm it up, so that the internal pressure would increase and if there is a crack it will expand; both from the pressure and from thermal expansion.
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Thx for the info all.


Just a quick question. What do you mean by warming it up? I guess the only thing I can do is plug it into a power supply and let it run. And if I don't see any leaks I'm assuming it's good? All i really did was punch 4 holes where the screw holes are. Punctured right through the fins. The frame doesn't look to be damaged at all. Totally sucks. But ah well.

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Use a hair dryer or heat gun. Get the area around the mounting holes warm enough to get it toasty but obviously not high enough to melt plastic. The radiator doesn't get all that warm in normal use. It would just be good to be a bit more certain that a leak won't develop under elevated temperature and pressure.


The frame isn't the question. The cross tubes that run between end tanks and have the fins soldered to them, are.

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