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K95 LED's failing.


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I have lost patience with both these keyboards and Corsair. I have a K95 UK keyboard which now has 3 LEDs that have failed over the course of the last 3 days, the "S", "G4" and "G11" key LED's have failed. I could say that there is a problem with Corsair's quality contol or maufacturing process to only be told that with the amount built/ sold there is bound to be a few hiccups. Well this is a replacement for a K90 which had its LED's fail, before the entire keyboard failed three months ago, which was for a replacement K90 ten months previous which had numerous LED's fail (both replaced by Corsair at a cost of roughly £50 to me to get it shipped from UK to Netherlands), which was a replacement for my replacement from Amazon which arrived with several LED's dead. The chances are slim that I would have 3 K90's and a K95 all fail on LED's if there wasn't some problem. To compound my annoyance my 2 year warranty run out end of April. Rant over.


Oh and to test incase it is some sort of computer/electrical fault, the keyboard has been tested on 2 other computers and the keyboard firmware flashed on all the computers incase it was some freak usb issue.

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