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M95 - impossible to have less then 6 onboard profiles


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the title says it all. If you set "none" as profile and write it to M95, the current profile at this slot remains intact. It's a little irritating because if you have less then 6 profiles, you cannot cycle through them efficiently with the "profile select" button (reserving two buttons for up & down profile is overkill).


Anyway, this is relatively minor, but leads to a major confusion in a specific situation - at the start I made two profiles, remapped the profile switch buttons, and stored them to M95 (leaving the rest at "none"). Then I tested profile selecting - it worked two times, then I was stuck at third profile LED (the one I left as "none") with nothing working as I expected. Turns out there was a default profile in that slot, and the profile select button was unmapped in it. I ended up making 4 (separate (!) because you cannot assign same profile to multiple slots) placeholder profiles just so that profile switching behaviour is consistent all the time.


I think it wold be much better to be able to completely unassign profile slot (and that's what "none" means, IMO, otherwise just explicitly say "do not write anything to this slot"), and then have "profile select" switch only between slots which have a profile present. Hope you can take it into consideration.

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