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Is there a "record" shortcut? (mouse movement problem)


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Hello! I was wondering if there was an alternative way to activate the recording feature? I want to record mouse movement but it seems silly that I can't find a shortcut for it, since it records pressing the button, minimizing the window, going to the target, then going back, clicking record and finishing. Usually that wouldn't be such a bad thing since you can delete what you don't need, but not only do I get 5000+ actions but its also quite challenging to find and identify what I pressed.


What I mean is, I tried to press "A" so that I know at which point I started and then "B" to identify in the history where what I want ends, but I couldn't find a "search" function in the history of actions either. So I figured there MUST be a way to activate record via a shortcut otherwise it's relatively useless for recording mouse movement. then again I'm a fruitloop and new at this, just got my Corsair RGB Razer Mouse!

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I am unsure of a record function, but you can do the following potentially. Reduce the polling rate temporarily in the CUE software settings which will reduce the resulting number of movements. Also as a tip, once you know you want to actually begin recording something, hit the same key like a bunch of times so it is easier to find in the list of actions. Also you can potentially try autohotkey and the script XYpos.ahk to read out the absolute coordinates you are clicking on if it is a short enough or simple enough action.
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I am unsure of a record function, but you can do the following potentially. Reduce the polling rate temporarily in the CUE software settings which will reduce the resulting number of movements. Also as a tip, once you know you want to actually begin recording something, hit the same key like a bunch of times so it is easier to find in the list of actions. Also you can potentially try autohotkey and the script XYpos.ahk to read out the absolute coordinates you are clicking on if it is a short enough or simple enough action.





YES! That helped alot thanks, well rather, I did the, spam A thing and was much easier to find where I want it to be. Problem is, I have about 4000 actions to delete and can only select one at a time, I can select multiple by holding ctrl + click but even so its only adding per click, instead of selecting all only below a certain number or such, or selecting multiple by holding click since it just moves one.


I'ts a simple thing too, just basically move left and right by like 3 inches and click each time.

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Here is a video to show how to select multiple events and delete only the selected events. Link: [ame=



Just left click on the first event in the range, hold a shift key, left click on the last event in the range, hit X on the icon...if it goes wrong hit revert and try again.


If that doesn't work for you as a practical matter (say there are lots of ranges involved) you can try and just program it manually with absolute reference for the mouse move events (which in multistep actions can be pretty awful to get right), but it allows you to create some ironclad scripts that really do exactly what you want with a very minimal 'step' count.

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There is a feature request section. Please add this as a feature request! I want to make quick recordings on the fly all day long but I can't use CUE for it. I use GhostMouse, the problem is I can't 'quickly' bind that recording to a macro key like I would like. If record shortcuts were in the program then I could make quick re-usable macros all day long!
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