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460x RGB - Turn Fan LED's off?


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Can someone please tell me if it's possible to turn the fan LED's off on the 460x RGB case?


I don't want to return this case because it looks so nice but not being able to turn off the fan LED's would be a major flaw.






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I would highly recommend that you utilize the CORSAIR Lighting Node Pro to get much more in-depth control of our SP/HD series fans. They allow you much better control of the lighting and even power them off completely. The 3-button controller does not have an "Off" feature, but the Lighting Node Pro solves that. It also comes with 4x LED strips to further make your build unique to you!
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I would highly recommend that you utilize the CORSAIR Lighting Node Pro to get much more in-depth control of our SP/HD series fans. They allow you much better control of the lighting and even power them off completely. The 3-button controller does not have an "Off" feature, but the Lighting Node Pro solves that. It also comes with 4x LED strips to further make your build unique to you!



Thanks for the response. If I was to purchase the Lighting Node Pro, I would be paying $60 simply for an off switch. Is it possible for me to simply unplug the LED function of the fans but still have the fans powered on so that they cool the case? Is there a separate plug in option for the lights & the fan power? If so, I could just unplug the lighting.




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Thanks for the response. If I was to purchase the Lighting Node Pro, I would be paying $60 simply for an off switch. Is it possible for me to simply unplug the LED function of the fans but still have the fans powered on so that they cool the case? Is there a separate plug in option for the lights & the fan power? If so, I could just unplug the lighting.





Yes, you are able to completely turn off all the LED fans by unplugging the 6-Port Lighting hub's SATA power cable.

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