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Moving lighting layers?

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There has to be some way of moving lighting the lighting layers once you've created them. I'm on my third try for my default profile because I keep placing things like indicator layers on top of wave layers, and suddenly I have keys with no wave, or adding the base colour last for some keys and getting covered up effects.


What would be perfect is a list of every effect that's been applied to any part of the board, where effects could be moved up or down to give them priority. This would also solve the issue of having to clear keys because of lighting effects I forgot to get rid of before I deleted a group and had no way to overwrite because of it.


But for now, any ideas other than starting over whenever I mess up the order?


Some secondary issues are not being able to set a group as indicators, which has led to some tedious menu navigation for multiple keys, and only having one reactive typing style for the whole board. I'd like to have more effects, like a ripple and fading keys both rather than a ripple and setting each key as a group with a gradient, or being able to give different groups different reactive effects. But these are secondary concerns right now I guess, right now the ordering of effects is really tripping me up.

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