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Default and persistence of OCP settings for all AXi PSUs


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Thank you for http://www.corsair.com/en/blog/2014/may/setting-up-ocp-on-the-ax1500i but I feel it would benefit from an update. It talks about the current release of CL which from the date I expect was CL2. What does the current CL 3.2.5742 release do and which was/will be the first release to read the current PSU OCP settings please?


What are the default OCP settings for all of the AX1500i + AX1200i + AX860i + AX760i?


Once these default OCP settings have been changed by CL how long will these persist for if I exit CL? Does powering down the system differ from unplugging it from the mains?


Is there any way to find out the AXi PSU firmware version? Do all AXi PSUs of a given model have the same firmware version?

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