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iCUE on the Surface Pro X (ARM64)


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I just bought a Surface ProX and I am trying to install iCUE and the drivers. I have a K80 RGB and a Dark Core RGB SE.

From the MSI logs I see an error about starting 'Corsair LLA Service'. I tried starting this service manually and get an error then as well. I can't help but think iCUE is not compiled for ARM64 so the 64-bit driver is never going to start.


I had put in a support request and they replied in an email that it is possible to install iCUE on a Surface Por X. But neglected to direct me to any resources that might describe the process.


Is there an ARM64 version of iCUE?

Is there a way to force a 32-bit install?


Thanks for the help


(I can supply the MSI logs if that's necessary)

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