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Posts posted by xandypx

  1. My bad because I missed this somewhere above. What version of XP do you have installed? I mean which Service Pack. A bad Pool header error (0x19) can be caused by any version of XP below SP2 just by the fact that your Mobo contains SATA ports. The original XP had no SATA support at all.


    The disk you attempted to do the repair with is at best SP1, and therefore cannot repair the XP installation. I have to assume that the actual XP install is SP2 or SP3.


    Have you ever slipstreamed a windows OS disk? This means making an install disk to the SP that is installed on the laptop. That is the only way that a repair install will work.

  2. Your problem is not with the SSD itself. It is the fact that you cloned the OS from a spinner, that contained drivers for a HDD interface incompatable with the SSD you replaced the old HDD with. I know you said reinstallation of the OS is not possible, but you may not have a choice.


    You should at least attempt a "Repair" install of the OS. Your problem "Bad Pool Header" is caused by a bad (the one for your old drive) HDD/interface driver/registry entry installed in Windows. This error is usually caused when an IDE HDD by is cloned to a SATA drive, but it can also happen when moving from a spinner to an SSD. More than likely windows was installed in IDE mode. There is also a registry tweek that can be tried in lieu of a complete reinstall.

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