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Posts posted by Vonzeu

  1. On 1/12/2023 at 5:46 PM, Fatbat said:

    I did this. Followed support's instructions to the letter, including all the registry removals and tracking down of every instance of iCue all over the place.

    It's like a 10 step process. You guys should really make a removal tool for this 😉

    Then I rebooted and resintalled from a fresh download. At first I thought the problem might have gone away, but nope, it just didn't crash for awhile but then went right back to its old ways.

    On about my 12th crash today and it's only 5:30 pm. I submitted my logs to your support team for analysis 6+ weeks ago, after having complained about the problem for 6+ weeks prior to that. Yet no one from your side is providing anything better than, "did you reboot?", "did you repair/uninstall/reinstall?", or "open a support ticket?".

    Yes, to all of the above, multiple times over. My latest support ticket # is 2005734863. If would be so inclined to see what's happening with that, it would be greatly appreciated!

    Sorry for my tone, but I am well beyond frustrated with this whole situation. I've been a satified customer of Corsair's for years and I did not expect this.

    I'm also very much identified to your situation. It's so silly to have a response after almost a month asking the same questions over and over. I've followed the same recommendations as you did, even fresh restart, but nothing helps. I'm trying to claim a replacement, because when we bought these components, we built 2 computers and my brother had 0 issues so far with everything exactly same (hardware settings, software settings, Windows configuration, etc.). This is so frustrating.

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