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Posts posted by DrZ

  1. Hi Corsair want to say thanks for making a great headset been loving it overall. I had a few questions one thing I noticed is that if I have it plugged in and turn in Dolby Atmos the max I can set it to is 24 bit 48000hz if I turn off Dolby Atmos I can switch it to 96000hz at 24bit. Is there anyway of having both Dolby Atmos and 96000hz? Also I notice a hiss noise on wireless with Dolby Atmos and the wireless signal cuts off if I move just slightly. This never occurred on the Virtuoso SE version that I have. Is this something you're looking into? One other thing that is strange is lots of times the computer won't register that the headset is plugged in through USB and I'll have to restart it or unplug then plug back in a few times for it to notice. Overall the sound quality is phenomenal on PC and PS5 and it's more comfortable then the SE. I was wondering if you're looking into these things and will fix in the future with a firmware?
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