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Posts posted by afronights

  1. the traditional wifi icon is replaced with a Red TURN OFF Icon.

    I followed the support instructions to reinstall the firmware but couldn't. After that I tried to reinstall iCue 3, but it doesn't recognize my mouse anymore. I also tried a clean reinstallation of the Corsair Utility Engine with this link "https://help.corsair.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025166712-Perform-a-clean-reinstallation-of-the-Corsair-Utility-Engine-iCUE-?_ga=2.139840883.1760226740.1620155760-1724566999.1618341787" but the result was the same.

  2. Yes it's the same , the mouse is disconnected (the traditional wifi icon is replaced with a red exclamation point) the basic mouse functions continue to work (movements and basic buttons) but profiles don't. I f quit Icue and restart the problem remains, only turning off the mouse it fixes.


    Now Corsair has to tell me if this problem can be solved by software or not also because the mouse is new, it has only few days of life !

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