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Posts posted by harbenm

  1. Strange.


    The only time I've seen this behavior, where the fan spins even though power usage is low, is when the +3.33V and +5V load is unusually high. For example: RGB lighting strips, RGB lighting on RAM, etc. This is because there's no heatsink on the DC to DC MOSFETs for the +3.3V and +5V so they rely on active cooling from the fan to keep cool. But from the looks of your specs, other than the RGB on the RAM, there shouldn't be any unusual +5V or +3.3V load.


    Is there any solution to resolve this other than getting rid of the RGB? I have RGB fans connected to a controller that gets SATA power and seems to be causing the fan to spin when connected, even with the RGB on the fans themselves turned off.

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