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Posts posted by Redrabbit99

  1. I recently signed up on these forums because I am having the same exact issue, and seeing lots of other people post about their fans doing the same thing mine are. I am hoping it's iCUE, and not the fans themselves. I see alot of people saying its the fans, but I simply find that hard to believe. My fans were all working perfectly fine with their respected profiles. Now I have two fans that either follow the RGB setup, randomly turn off, or sometimes do exactly what you're saying, the inner lights work, and the outter lights stay off/remain the previous color they were.


    Just very odd seeing alot of people having similar issues spiking on the forums. I attached images to show what mine is doing. Hopefully someone can explain further. Cause I really don't want to invest in new fans, if it is a software issue all of a sudden.



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