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Posts posted by Sebadoh

  1. I'm done...


    I've been patient.


    I've spent many hours trying to help diagnose this issue.


    I have spent the time to report my specifics.


    I've been hounded to return the other set before I get a replacement. (I still have not)


    We've all been told for now almost 5 months that the official word is verbatim: "a fix is coming soon",

    and literally they have gotten WORSE.


    Now once again.... nearing 5 months in, they are still stringing us along with the exact same response.


    I want my money back. Sadly, because I believed that "a fix will be coming soon" as we were told, I cannot... as it is too late.


    I am beyond frustrated. It is time to begin class-action, as this is not really going to be fixed anytime soon, and my time is worth more than this.


    I'm embarrassed to admit I fell for it.


    I do not mean this post sardonically.. I really wanted them to work... but I cannot wait 5 months and spend hours of my life helping to diagnose an issue for a company that knowingly sent out a flawed product.


    This is offensive to me. I just want a refund now. My ticket that has been open for months is still not received a replacement.... only asked to send back the old ones.. 3 times.


    At what point is this ridiculous?


    At what point is is illegal and fraudulent?


    I'm tired of (but feel sorry for) poor Corsair Albert reporting "we have a fix working, but nothing to report, but it is a high priority.. since November.. that has been literally all we have heard of any substance.


    The laws are very complex as my attorney has advised me. States and countries have different rules about a product that cannot work past x-number of days. (now that we are in the realm of months.... )


    I just want my money back. We've been disrespected as customers.

  2. I talked a friend into letting me use their Windows P.C. to install the update... it worked.


    For a day or two.


    Now... bricked again like everyone else.



    I noticed no change to my charging lights after the update...


    I charged them fully with the cable that was supplied, plugged into the front usb port on the console.


    The periodic dropouts seemed fewer, but then they died again, so no more data to report.

  3. I was curious, as to how long exactly this has been going on, so I thought it was more productive to lay it out as a timeline, as it is really ridiculous when it is all laid out. These are the historical responses from every interaction from the Corsair team:


    1. Dec 9, 2020 -

    "We have been made aware of a potential issue that some users are experiencing with our HS75 XB Wireless headset which causes the headset to freeze and become unresponsive. In these instances the headset may exhibit the following behavior:


    • No audio output from the headset

    • Remains on and will not power off

    • White LED remains on

    • Possible buzzing


    We are currently working on replicating this issue, with the hopes that a solution can be implemented through a firmware update once resolved. We will provide an updated response here once the solution is available for download.


    In the meantime, in the event the headset freezes and refuses to power off, you can regain functionality by letting the battery fully drain and recharging it afterwards. The headset should resume normal functionality when it is powered on again. Unfortunately there is no way to “force” a reset at this time, but we are also looking at potentially implementing this as well.


    While we work on a firmware fix for the headset, if you experience these symptoms and the above method does not reset the headset, please contact our customer support team through the support portal below and they will be happy to assist you:



    If you’d like to help us solve this issue more quickly, please provide us with details on how/if you are able to reproduce this behavior will help in expediting a solution.


    Include your system specifications, what you were doing when the issue presented itself, and the method you use to “force” the issue to occur.


    Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


    The CORSAIR Team"


    So, we did... for months. I, as well as several others made good-faith efforts, and reported several conditions defining situations that could be used as diagnosis. Then however, the diagnosis posts began to get repetitive, as others has the exact same issues.


    2. Dec 18, 2020 -


    "Thank you for your input Spam-n-eggs and anudewalrus. I've forwarded the information to our relevant team as we continue investigating the issue."


    3. Dec 22, 2020 -


    "Thank you everyone for providing all the details about how the behavior is occurring, and steps you've tried to resolve it. All of this information is being relayed to our development team that is working to come up with some fixes as soon as possible.

    Based on the feedback most of you provided, the freeze occurs during the first 20-24hrs of use. Is this after the before or after the first initial charge? Are you charging the headset when this occurs? Have you experienced additional freezing after the first time, and how frequent is it?"


    Again, we did... taking a lot of our time to be beta testers in this product that we had already bought.


    4. Dec 24, 2020 -


    "We are actively working on a fix that can be rolled out, but no firm ETA at the moment. Firmware and software do take some time to make adjustments, followed by testing to ensure nothing else is affected by the changes. It is being handled, and we'll provide more details as they come our way."


    5. Jan 08, 2021 -


    "An update for everyone: We're currently in the process of testing firmware revisions based on improvements made over the holidays. Nick and I will make sure to keep everyone updated once we receive any additional information - in the meantime, we sincerely appreciate everyone's patience and welcome any additional details on issues encountered."


    6. Jan 20, 2021 -

    "I share your frustration and am hoping for a firmware update ASAP. Currently, the upcoming firmware update is going through our validations process. We appreciate your patience and understand the inconvenience - rest assured, we are doing our due diligence to take care of you guys whether it's through a firmware update or replacement if necessary. As soon as the firmware is live on iCUE, we'll be sure to let you guys know."


    7. Jan 20, 2021 -

    "Hey everyone,

    The firmware update is still in the process of validation. I apologize if it seems I am proposing false sympathy for everyone experiencing issues with their HS75 XB Wireless headsets - I'd be frustrated if I was in the same boat as well."


    8. Jan 26, 2021 -

    "As mentioned before - a fix WILL BE given. We are not "hoping" for a fix as we have been working to resolve issues with the headset."


    9. Jan 30, 2021 -

    "Hey everyone,

    Unfortunately I do not have an update today and wish I had more to bring. Next week, I'll have more information regarding the firmware update. The firmware update is undoubtedly overdue - but I just wanted to quickly chime in that I'll have a more concrete follow-up next week regarding when it will be available and details of fixes."


    10. Feb 3, 2021 -

    "More info regarding the firmware update will be coming as soon as I can provide it. Also - for anyone experiencing buzzing, the issue is likely to be hardware related. If not done so already, please open a ticket at
    - our support will take care of you."


    11. Feb 4, 2021 -

    "I do genuinely appreciate everyone's patience and understand the frustration of not being able to use your new headset which you've spent your hard-earned money on. If the buzzing is still present, please open a ticket with our support if you haven't done so already."


    12. Feb 6, 2021 -

    "Availability is currently pending with our final validation step. I can not give an ETA - but it is high priority."


    13. Feb 8, 2021 -

    "Manual resets are not a part of the firmware update. Manual resets are definitely on our list but at the moment I cannot guarantee if it'll be integrated via a firmware update."


    14. Feb 17, 2021 -

    "I currently do not have an ETA for the upcoming firmware update, but its priority remains high. Once available, the firmware update will be available for installation via our iCUE software on a Windows PC. You can download iCUE here, via the "Download Now" button at the top of the page."


    Now, that amounts to 14 responses over 4 months, that basically say... nothing, except that "we hope," and "we are still testing" (Which should have taken place before you sold them).


    Exception being: "we are not sure we will have a firmware fix to allow you to reboot them, and the patch is not applyable with a Mac")


    So, there it is... a ton of (well, 14) responses with no real substance except bad news about compatibility with Macs, and telling us it is a high priority, but taking 4 months to say basically nothing.

  4. It's coming up on a month, since this kind-of update... Anything new, other than "am hoping for a firmware update ASAP'? (Asking for a friend...)



    Hey everyone,


    I share your frustration and am hoping for a firmware update ASAP. Currently, the upcoming firmware update is going through our validations process. We appreciate your patience and understand the inconvenience - rest assured, we are doing our due diligence to take care of you guys whether it's through a firmware update or replacement if necessary. As soon as the firmware is live on iCUE, we'll be sure to let you guys know.




    Thank you, WiscoDavid - hoping for a fix soon as well.




    Thank you for the input, YayoProtocal. This is indeed our first officially licensed headset for Xbox - we'll be learning a lot from this to guarantee issues like these are entirely avoidable for future headsets.


    This is not an excuse for any of the HS75's behavior, but just a heads up for everyone: Microsoft themselves has acknowledged headset issues with the Xbox Series X/S, and what you mention with the headset losing connection sounds similar. Information here.

  5. The 4+ month wait continues. I feel like they developed the coronavirus vaccine quicker than Corsair can implement a simple fix for bad firmware lol.


    I gave up.


    I bought another set, of a different brand. (1/2 the price, just as nice, works on my Mac and iPhone too, AND, they WORK!)


    Now I am being pestered to send back the old set through the RMA, without having even gotten the replacement! lol. (They've sent several emails now... Which I find fascinating, as they are MUCH more interested in getting the old set back to them, than they are fixing them or getting me a new set. Despite having no car, and that being a HUGE pain in my ....)


    The amount of effort this took was just more than it was worth to me.

    I have the epitome of "buyer's remorse", and as it looks as though a fix is not coming anytime predictably, and being on a mac, it is not even a fix for me anyway.



    I gave up.


    If you official posts are actual employees, I do indeed feel sorry for you having to "support" an obviously and knowingly flawed product.


    I can just see the decision, as I worked in a company much like this once:


    Engineering team lead - "Boss, we are not going to be able to ship them in time for the holidays. They have issues that must be fixed in order to work for many users."


    CEO - "Guys, I don't care if they don't work yet... we'll fix them with a firmware update in the future. We need to SHIP them out NOW before the holiday season, we just spent $xxxxxxx to get "official XBox certification", and now it is time to sit back and soak in those sweet sweet holiday/new console profits. "


    And that, my compatriots in this mess of a product, is how we are where we are.


    Several of us have mentioned that we bought them for our Xbox, but only use a Mac as a computer. The solution is "the chipset is not able to do so in the mac.", which may be true, but is not a solution... at all.


    But why not allow the firmware update like OTHER MS accessories, the the xbox accessories menu, ON THE XBOX? (You know, like Microsoft controllers update their firmware.... odd idea, I know.)


    So, Here I am, being hounded to return my headset through the RMA label they sent to me... Before they even sent me a replacement!!!! Box them up in my own packaging? Take a train and my bike kilometers to the DHL point... and drop off the headset that will likely just get put into a dumpster when they get back to corsair. I already have HOURS invested in this little profiteering experiment.


    I truly regret that I believed the lies that it would someday be fixed, and that by simply "waiting" (beyond the return period conveniently) ad nauseum, or ad infinitum....


    Now.. I am kind of ashamed to admit I bought these, and believed the lies.

  6. I've learned that the HS75 XB won't be featured on macOS' iCue due to a limitation of software support for the required Microsoft chipset in this headset. Unfortunately, you'll require a Windows system to update the headset ONCE AVAILABLE.


    Wow.. that about seals the deal for me. I'm officially a very angry customer.

    I said more than a week ago "I'm on a mac and I'm not sure how this will happen..." Today, my suspicions that were ignored... confirmed.


    Seriously? A modern consumer product not supporting a major (and largest growing market segment), the Mac. In 1990, I could understand...

    in 2021.... seriously?


    I have been nice, I have been patient..


    I even bought another branded set just to get me through all these months of hassle, so I do not vent too much frustration on here...


    Now, once again, I wait, for both firmware, and "new" hardware, and I have had major hassles of spending over an hour on the phone... twice.


    Now I will have to make an excursion (I have no car) to DHL to return the "headset" that I will have to pack up, that is likely fine... just software/firmware bugged.


    The whole issue having to track down a DHL drop point (kilometers away), pack up a parcel, and take my bike and train and back... for a seriously effort-laden round-trip... is way more than just a hassle, and a grrrrr annoyance... I find that part totally unconscionable.


    Now, however, I need to humbly ask a friend with a Windows PC, that will allow me install your software to do this, after I explain to them WHY I need to do this... by having your product bricked. grrr again.


    By my tally, I've spent maybe 15-20 hours dealing with these... And now, despite YET ANOTHER week of "we were hoping, but again have no information", after this issue being reported... in NOVEMBER... I don't know what you guys make an hour... but I am now a very ticked off "customer", at what is expected of me to fix/diagnose/RETURN a knowingly (by the vendor) flawed product.



    I am told.. Still no info on how to actually FIX ANYTHING, but "Here are the shipping labels and RMA you will need to use to return the 'old' set to us. "Be sure to do so promptly." The tech even told me... as I nearly snorted coffee out of my nose. (I did not say "well if I have been waiting more than 3-months for a fix for this... What is your definition of "Promptly"?)


    Now, I need to find a friend with a PC letting me install software onto it?!?!



  7. More info regarding the firmware update will be coming as soon as I can provide it.


    Also - for anyone experiencing buzzing, the issue is likely to be hardware related. If not done so already, please open a ticket at https://help.corsair.com - our support will take care of you.




    What version of iCUE are you running? Is your Mac equipped with the newer M1 chip by any chance?


    I opened a ticket... they will send me a new set of headphones, and I will have to send the old (well... 3 months) ones back.


    So, by my estimate that will take several weeks.

    Rather than wait that long I just went ahead and bought another brand to temporarily be able to use my console.


    Not to be snarky, but that is my reality. I am now almost 3 months down this rabbit hole with no real solution, and I am tired of being scared to use my expensive headphones for fear of bricking my console until they discharge.


    I'm not here to beat up on you guys.. but now that it has been this long, I really wish I could have returned them instead of believing that "we are hoping for a fix" in November.


    Now, I will be waiting for a new set shipped to me here in Spain, and, I have to track down a DHL station, (I have no car here)... to send them back after packing the old ones up.


    By my estimate, I have spent numerous hours in just attempting to solve problems, document, issues, and wait for a firmware update. Now I have to also track down a place to return the "faulty" ones... which I am hopeful is not identical in its issue.


    It is getting to be too much effort for my tastes. Yeah, they sound good, when they are not bricking my console, or making me walk or bike/train to the nearest DHL station to return the old set.


    You guys sure ask a lot from a customer who literally tried to report conditions and repeatable issues etc.

  8. Being a mac user, I assume I will be able to do so from the xbox menu, and not from a Windows PC computer only.


    I have been somewhat concerned, and curious as to the workaround for a Mac user.


    So far, so good for me though... I'm always little scared to use them. They are sitting there on the table, it is Friday night, they are saying "Come on, try us again! we discharged! We'll be better now! We won't brick again.. we promise!!!" lol.

  9. New data point from fully charged set.

    6-days. Still bricked LED.


    Got to give you guys props for your standby battery life! lol.




    OK!!! 6.5 days seems to be my sweet spot... I came back to no LED glowing.. I charged it for 30 minutes through the front USB port and hte cable that came with the headeset, and I'm in.


    I was scared to turn it on, but it paired, but I am noting ia LOT more little minimal drop outs.. like a 1/4 second of a breakup of the sound. Still looking into that.. and if I can find a solution, but it is pretty common, and I play like 6-8 feet from my console.

  10. Ok... I'm done ranting, I just want a real answer and solution, and timeframe... Is it days? Weeks? More months?


    I mean, let's be serious here... I need a solution or my console is a brick as it has been a significant amount of time since buying these... so if is going to be more than a few days... just please tell us!


    I mean if it is more than a week, I'll buy a cheap set from somewhere else to wait it out, and stop pestering you guys on the forums... but this whole ambiguous "someday" makes it difficult to plan.


    I feel badly for the people at Corsair that have to provide support to an angry mob, because someone at their company decided to ship a knowingly flawed product. (I worked for a company like this... I have been there.)


    Whether to take advantage of holiday/console sales, or a design engineer didn't do their job, and QA failed in catching it, I do feel sympathy for their job. It is that this has been going on since... NOVEMBER, with almost no information.


    That said. If these were cheap, I would have just written it off to caveat emptor, "buyer beware", but instead, these are literally the most EXPENSIVE solution, and the least supported... and since it has been so long to fix this issue, that I cannot return them.. well....



    Updated data-point I am now at 5-days of the white brick light... I'll see what happens this evening after work if they are still discharging. Your battery life in standby is really good! (grin)


    Suggestion to users who have not had this happen.. do not keep them fully charged... it is closing in on a week (and who knows how much longer?) to discharge.

  11. ouch. 66 hours? Mine were pretty much fully charged (after having to drain them before because they froze) and stopped working again on Sunday night. was hoping for a Destiny 2 raid tonight but the light is still on and i'm only going to be 48 hours in... this is so unacceptable.




    The silence is deafening from the official accounts, on what is becoming a more widespread problem apparently. The thing is, this is not just an annoyance... this has basically bricked my console until I can get them working, as I play on a computer display with no audio-out.


    When I had issues with a set of Apple headphones, they sent me a replacement set THE NEXT DAY, with a free month of Apple Music for inconvenience.


    Here.. "We are hoping for a fix" was literally from an official Corsair posting in this thread. Seriously. "We are hoping". Well, while you are hoping, I am getting closer to class-action filings unless we get an update quickly. I don't mean a "we hope" message every month or so either. I want a solution. If it cannot be fixed. Replace or refund. Period. This is beyond unprofessional, it is unacceptable.

  12. Update: Came back from being away for the weekend. The headphones were off when I arrived but I was able to turn them on again (i.e. the battery wasn't fully drained). I turned them on and they started trying to pair. When I turned my Series S on it was like they paired for a second but then unpaired again and for some reason my controller was now trying to pair as well. I turned both the headset and the controller off and did a hard restart of the Series S. When it booted back up again I turned the controller on first and it paired no problem. I pressed the pair button on the console and turned the headset on and they paired as well. Right away the console told me my headset had low batteries. I turned the headset off and started charging it (flashing yellow amber light). We'll see what happens next.


    I can only hope (grin)

    I am at just about 56 hours of white LED.... I really wish I had not had them fully charged. Grrrrrr

  13. Yeah, I wish I could. But it is beyond Amazon's return date. So I all I can do now is to leave a 1 star "do NOT buy this product" review as an ignored, dissatisfied customer. I can likely raise an issue with Amazon about a faulty product, and they will waive the return window.


    I'm now sorry I had them fully charged lol. Coming up on 2-days of the white brick-LED. How long have you guys had to wait at the longest?



    I agree. There are also answers from Corsair support ....

    Unfortunately, even there, if you write the same problem from two different accounts, you will get practically two different answers.

    I do not understand that such a company can still function because it is a classic example of deceiving the customer.


    I am pretty sure there is no way to do this through a simple firmware fix, and they are trying to see how badly it will cost them to send out replacements to the people who complain.


    I wouldn't complain, and I dislike to do so, but these are damn expensive... charging 2/3 of the cost of my console ITSELF.... for a product that PREVENTS me from using said console, and all we hear from support is "we hope for a fix"


    Trust me Corsair.. we all do.


    Hey everyone,



    Thank you, WiscoDavid - hoping for a fix soon as well.


    Thank you for the input, YayoProtocal. This is indeed our first officially licensed headset for Xbox - we'll be learning a lot from this to guarantee issues like these are entirely avoidable for future headsets.


    This is not an excuse for any of the HS75's behavior, but just a heads up for everyone: Microsoft themselves has acknowledged headset issues with the Xbox Series X/S, and what you mention with the headset losing connection sounds similar.




    Please stop with the patronizing contritions of "we are hoping for a fix soon". This is how class action lawsuits get started... and products being banned from the Amazon store for being unreliable, or not as advertised. We deserve a solid answer to an issue that has been dodged and un-answered for months now... with no answer officially whatsoever other than hope. Or, an apology and a prompt replacement We have dutifully reported our conditions, our situations, and have been told for months to "wait... we hope for a fix."


    While we are all "hoping".

    I hope I win the lottery... but I am beginning to think the lottery has better chances than a fix for this. I'm now 36 hours into watching my console off, and the white LED on my Corsair's steadily white. Oh well, not it is Monday! Time to go to work... "Maybe next weekend!" Grrrrrrrrr

  16. I bought a set of these for the XBox Series S that I bought in November.

    I have quietly dealt with the sometimes subtle, sometimes getting-me-killed in-game issues for the past 3 months now. I was willing do deal with the occasional dropout the first few months, because, it was mainly just an annoyance. (I use them maybe 2 meters from my console, zero reason they should drop out.)


    Now however, my headphones in their "unresponsive" state have rendered me unable to use my console at ALL... as I use my console on a computer monitor that has no audio.


    I am a design engineer. Having a product that has no forced bootloader, or system interrupt is just plain poor planning, but the fact that this issue has been brought to light for a couple of months BEFORE I even bought them, makes me think that there is no real solution. A simple "Hold Mute and Power down for 10 or 15 seconds" to reboot/bootload would be so welcome.


    So, I called the number to talk to tech support, spent 37 minutes kindly discussing my issue and diagnosis examples, and they were friendly, but sadly of no help... saying "we hope to have a fix soon."

    That was in November.



    So, I did some testing. This happens ONLY on the headphones. I have tested it on both Xbox Series S and One S. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the console. I have verified this numerous times. No matter what I am playing, no matter what I am doing (even in a menu) the sound will sometimes drop out for about 1 second or so. That is the annoying part... the terminal part is below.


    Repeatable conditions: [b/]

    I have ONLY had it happen when plugged into the USB port on the front of my console, with the cable that came with the set. I have only had it happen WHEN using the headphones while plugged into the console. Whether it gets confused about the charging, or connection, I have no idea, but that is my experience.


    I have tried using a phone charger for the USB-C, with no issues... but that could be just happenstance.


    The real pain, is sitting here... now for most of the weekend... looking at the pale white LED, as I wait for it to discharge fully enough to reboot.


    I am at 22 hours of white LED at this point. hoping for a discharge, so I can use my console next week. I am only now just angry that it is too late to get a refund from Amazon, because as the Official Corsair posters on here seemed to be optimistic. Then.. months of silence... finally culminating in a "we are hoping for a fix soon" which is also what was said in September. I was just asked to rate this product on Amazon. I do not want to be mean or rude, but I cannot give it anything more than 1 star, and basically this same complaint.


    I am very sorry I bought these, as they are expensive, but were the only officially licensed Microsoft headset. They do NOT perform as advertised.


    I'm following the terms of service here, but I am not a happy customer. This requires resolution immediately. It is unconscionable that this issue has gone unresolved, and even un-discussed for months, other than a patronizing "we are hoping for a fix soon"


    With kind regards, but I had to get it off my chest.

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