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Posts posted by Toggles

  1. just wanted to add to this ive had my nexus for awhile and have experienced almost every problem you can with it  i have tried the recommended fixes sometimes they do nothing sometimes the device will start working again for a couple week then one day i will turn on the pc and itll just freeze instantly and never unfreeze sometimes the nexus remains unusable for weeks at a time i really like the thing but its waaaay more hassle then its worth and it barely has any features the only really worth  while features it has is the system monitoring and the fact you can make .gifs into buttons but theres really not much you can even do with those buttons you can switch whole profiles but not individual corsair lights or scenes? like its been out for so long and has barely received any attention from corsair itself . like i really really like the device but theres so many things that do its job better especially now with the elite lcd its like i invested so much into corsair multiple computers that i have built for myself and a bunch i have built for family and friends sometimes everything works great and its awsome{besides the fact icue literally eats away your resources and causes excessive heat on the cpu and gpu..... like if you close icue fans ramp down and it seems like the computer runs 10x better wich is sad...like everything on all my computers every cable  is a custom corsair cable all my fans ml120s or Ql 120 and now i even chanced getting the new elite psu h1000 ram 64 gigs of vengeance all on the latest icue and its like legit half the lighting effects for the fans randomly will just choose not to work correctly like the infinity effect after months of just skipping l.e.ds on the fan just now desided to start actualy doing the full effect on each fan so if you take into effect 6 different computers in the last 2 years built with mainly corsair products let alone if we look further back i have spent thousands of thousands of dollars on these products and want so badly to love corsair but it gets harder and harder to recommend there products every day and it depresses me its like for 100 dollars the nexus rarely works and has almost no features that are worth while or that the k100 keyboard and a streamdeck cant accomplish . even the elite lcd i was so hyped for and i admit its def better then the nexus but barely has much to offer like ya there options with some settings but its actually pretty restrictive and its disappointing ive owned so many commanders commander pros and xt and multiples of each and use them on the same fans they all make the fans run at differnt rpms llike the commander xt you put that thing on quiet it still just keeps the fan revving at 1500rpm pretty much so its pointless.... and its like i use no other programs to controll and moniter my stuff my bios isnt conflicting so i  have literally narrowed it down to icue and the products just picking and choosing when they want to work properly and it really really sucks cuz i still want so badly to love corsair and icue but everytime i go to fiddle with something at this point i just get pissed id almost rather run the products without icue on my pc but then theres no point to even own the product i really wish they would actually make improvments instead of giveing advice that only temporarily fixes problems i wish they would actively add more features to the devices that really don't offer much but cost plenty and i always read "oh this update is out it should have improved this and fixed that etc and cpu/ram usage should be better legit never seen it change since day 1 and it sucks cuz even having spent upwards of over 10 grand on corsair in just the last 3 years alone you know they don't actually care what random individuals say itll be nice once someone with a platform actually calls them out and gets them to start making quality products and software again but since they dominate half the market with fans aio psu ram etc they dont care and probly never actually will and it reallt pains me to say any of this because i usualy always try to defend corsair and the issues there products bring ive always suggested and recommended corsair to friends and family and now i just really regret it i have wasted there money and time and my own money and time  for half functioning products. i have always been recording all my adventures with these products. and im no slouch with a pc trust me when i say i have tried everything and eliminated every variable almost every item i own from them and i own multiples of each thing rarely works well .legit hours of videos of things just stopping functioning then randomly starting to work again weeks later for no reason its insane  

  2. so recently got some more ql 120 fans have already used these same fans in multiple builds and im starting to hate myself for making the same mistake over and over  i have 3 higher end computers running all corsair peripherals  mouse keyboard headset headset stand st100 lght towers fans Aio lcd screen etc on the two other computers everything normally works fine and other then the Case of the computers they are identical systems so i have these 3 Ql 120 set to do the infinity light effect and at first it was actually working flawlessly two days in i turn on my computer and now has the infinity symbol is making its way around the light loops it seems to skip certain L.e.d.s to the point where the effect is very odd now there is 7 Ql 120 fans in the system the other 4 Ql 120 fans doing the infinity effect are working fine still but when you compare the fans the ones at fault are like skipping led's and its very unsmooth compared to the other fans in the system. when set to other light effect or static the l.e.d's beings skipped light up so i know they work but for some reason  all of a sudden the infinity effect just wont work correctly on these 3 fans any help would be appreciated i keep investing 1000s of dollars into corsair for my personal builds going onto my personal pc this year  thats not to mention the computers built for family and friends but im starting to feel pretty dumb about investing in corsair seeing how icue picks and chooses when it wants to work and brand new components from corsair will work fine for 2 days then just decided to have all sorts of issues so any help is appreciated if needed i can post a video of the fans in question .ps deleting corsair files form registry and reinstalling is not a fix does not work 

  3. so just like i said in the title when i first turn on my pc it shows icue running in task tray and task manager but it wont open and none of the light profiles are active at all but if i restart my computer then all of a sudden icue works at start up its getting pretty annoying anyone have ideas why this is happening. Also note thata few weeks ago this was not happening icue would work fine (as fine as icue ever works) i have not changed anything myself so realy do not know what to do at this point any help or suggestions would be appreciated thank you . i need to fix this cuz everything is corsair mouse keyboard headset headset stand st100 light towers AIO all my fans ram lcd screen on the AIO so legit half my system doesn't work because its all reliant on icue :(

  4. so icue auto updated to icue 4 would not even open just started up and crashed repeatedly so i unistalled and reinstalled the last version i had and before all this happened my idle temps on cpu where always 30-33 for the most part now all of a sudden since reinstalling my idle temps are an irratic 35c bouncing all the way to 45c sometimes even 61c i know it may not seem like a big deal to some but this is a big deal in my book and am very disappointed a company like corsair can not seems to get there software sorted out like what the hell changed that my temps rose that much for no reason and why auto update me to icue 4 if it wont even run what so ever so upset
  5. icue is makeing my cpu temps go from 30c solid to as soon as i turn icue on the temps are all of a sudden erratic and jumping from 37c-45c but if i close icue it goes straight back to a 30c solid temp on cpu why is this?
  6. so exactly as the title says if icue is not open my pc stays at a solid 29c-30c with almost not fluxuations but as soon as i turn icue on the temp goes straight up to 34c but fluxs from 34c to 40c sometimes 47c then back down to 34c for a few seconds sometimes a minutes or to then starts acting super erratic no other program causes this to happen it actualy makeing me realy sad that i might have to switch all the internal components to something else. is there another program that can control corsair aio fans and rgb ? because it seems that the icue program itself ruins all performance gains and temps after its been on for a couple minutes? super baffled that a company like corsair cant nail there software ? im realy torn about this i really wanna love corsair but i dont like the fact that this program is instantly raising temps and makes it so the all monitering of temps is super erratic
  7. also even on a single monitor setup icue eats up alot of resources and can just randomly crash alot anyways i love corsair products and i want to love the software but just to controll a couple fans and an aio its gotta eat a good chunk of your cpu ? i usually end up having to use a second program to moniter temps because in icue the sensors are jumping all over the place going from 30c to 40 c back to 30 c repeatedly where as in any other program the temp doesnt even move? (dont get me wrong love corsair and icue)
  8. hi so i have a commander core and commander pro h150 cappelix cooler and alot of ll fans and some Led strips and a custom gpu support bracket from v1tech in the middle of adding the Led strips and was wonding if i should just add a lighting node pro? or if i should link another lighting core or rather those 6 port rgb hubs that come with the 3 pack of lls into my commander pro Whats the best way to do this For example should i just add another 3 port rgb hub to the cammander core and plugg all the led strips into that or Whats the best solution? how will it show in icue ?. also on the commander pro i have the pin detection set to auto should i set it to 4 pin since im useing ll fans or is auto fine i havent ever realy noticed an issue other then random quick cpu temp spikes for example idle temps are 30c but itll jump to 35 c 40c for a second ramp up fans then go right back down to 30c?> is there a way to make it so cpue temp isnt jumping so much ?
  9. so my corsair vengeance 3000mhz rgb pro ram modules i have 4 of them work ok in limited software control mode but you cannot select the individual lights on the ram stick so i swith to full software control mode i updated to latest version before enableing fullsoftware control mode everything works fine i can change all the individual lights just fine its great but if u shutdown and restart my computer as soon as i get to desktop screen all 4 ram sticks rgb lights will go static to one color and no matter what i do in icue the lights wont change and i have to restart icue to get it to work properly sometimes i have to restart the pc or disable full software control all toghether have not found a fix yet plz help Also why is it showing hydro x connected in the corner when all i have is a h150i cappelix ?
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