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Posts posted by Endermaster

  1. For context: I removed all liquids from my custom Loop because I wanted to transport my Computer. When I was filling the loop with my coolant again the coolant couldn't pass the XR5 360 radiator. Somewhere inside the radiator had to be some kind of blockage (Radiator will be replaced). I don't know how this could happen. My custom Loop was running for only 10 months. Nearly every single part of my custom loop had some kind of green or turquoise sedimentations and especially my CPU Waterblock is full of those sedimentations. Even the my opaque White Coolant was a little greenish. In the Attachment is a picture of my CPU Waterblock.
    Those are my used Components:

    Corsair XC7 RGB Waterblock

    Corsair XD5 RGB Pump

    Corsair XR5 360mm Radiator

    EKWB Classic Line Fittings (Material: Nickel-plated Brass)

    XSPC PETG Tubings

    XSPC EC6 Coolant Opaque White


    Now my questions:

    1. What did I mess up? Where did those sedimentations come from?

    2. How can I clean my XC7 CPU Waterblock?





  2. For a start, in the iCue softare I always had my pre-installed corsair rgb hub and my Commander Pro. As my Mainboard: ASUS b450F Gaming II comes only with 1 USB header, i pluged the Commander Pro into the Mainboard USB header and my RGB Hub in the USB port of the Commander Pro and Everything worked fine.

    So now i have reinstalled my Computer, everything is the same, BUT my RGB does not show up in iCue.


    What I already tried:

    - unplug commander pro and plug the RGB Hub to the Motherboard header

    -> RGB hub showed up and worked fine (i think something is wrong with the usb ports of Commander pro)

    - Update iCue and the Firmware of Commander pro

    - I bought this USB HUB: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07DLVJ726/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    I pluged it into the Motherboard and at Hub header my RBG HUB and Commander pro and both DO NOT show up in iCue or work.


    Pls Help

  3. Hallo zusammen,

    ich habe meine Pc aufgerüstet (Case, Mainboard, CPU). Das Case ist das iCue 4000x RGB mit den 3 mitgelieferten RGB Lüftern. Deren Farbe lässt sich ändern, jedoch drehen diese sich nie.

    Ich vermute es liegt an einem im Case enthalten Kabel, für welches ich keinen passenden Stecker am Mainboard (MSI B450 Tomahawk Max) gefunden habe.

    Im Anhang habe ich ein Foto des Kabels.


    Danke im voraus :D



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