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Posts posted by Aratoop

  1. So I opened the case and with a multimeter found the battery was not visibly puffy or swollen and still output ~3.8V. So I gather what's likely happened is that the USB charging pot connection, somewhere, has broken. If anyone has a wiring diagram or even just some pictures of what I should be seeing connected/where the likely bad connections are it'd be much appreciated, thank you!
  2. My headset hasn't been showing the charging light for the past week but would make the series of beeps that signal that it's plugged in, and would also keep working so presumably it was still charging considering I use it a lot. However, since it turned itself off earlier today it has been entirely unresponsive to holding down the power button when plugged in, aside from one or two brief flashes of the LEDs (not to signal anything, just turning on and then immediately shutting down). I've changed both the USB cable and the port on the PC that it's connected to (2.0 to 3.0) and there has been no change, other than windows recognising it as a corsair headset plugged in. It's been plugged in for about 40 minutes as of this post (with the new cable, it was plugged in with the worked-last-night cable for several hours prior). I would be glad for any help determining the issue, thank you!
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