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Posts posted by p4th0g3n

  1. Believe it or not, I seem to have fixed my issue by flashing the XT firmware, as per: https://forum.corsair.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1060189#post1060189




    Still working perfectly, by the way. Not a single freeze under XT Firmware since this comment.


    Corsair sent me a non-XT firmware - flashed it and froze within 15-20 minutes, and continued to do so. Immediately went back to the XT firmware and have been trouble-free since.

  2. I've been struggling with my K95 RGP Platinum (non XT) for over 2 years - been running it in BIOS Mode since I got it since it freezes constantly no matter what else I do.


    Tonight, I came across this post and had a '***** it' moment - decided to flash the XT Firmware from this thread on my non-XT (expecting to brick it and move on), but it actually flashed successfully, and my device now shows up as an XT and no longer freezes.


    Completely blown away. I opened a ticket with Corsair, and i'm curious what Corsair has to say about this.

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