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Posts posted by unendschlossen

  1. So I was just starting discord and everything seemed normal until I realized that my mic was not working. Naturally I tried to unplug it, play around with the system settings and found something weird. The Output page on the audio manager works just fine, but every time I try to go to the Input page the program freezes. Ive disabled the mic from the normal audio settings page and I was able to open the Input page on the audio manager but as soon as I activate the Mic it freezes. Not like a crash but just a freeze. I can close it and it doesnt show the No Reaction thin in the top bar. Ive tried everything pls help.


    BTW: Audio manager refers to the sound-settings where the Output and Input devices are under seperate categories.


    Edit: Yesterday it worked fine


    EDIT: solved, installed the icue software and uninstalled it

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