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Posts posted by Anarky

  1. Hi Baregina. I was actually inquiring on the difference between the RGB hub and the lighting node core (the one with the 6 inputs not the 2) i was wondering of the lighted node core can support 2 different style Corsair fans. I know the RGB hub does not. Thats why i have 2. 1 for my QL fans. 1 for my LL fans (AIO). I just was inquiring so I could maybe eliminate some clutter. Still trying to figure out what the hecks up with that front led. Looking through schematics trying to find the one relevant to my setup.
  2. Hi Newfiend! Thanks for the reply. When I was talking about the lighting node core I was under the impression there was another 6 slot hub. It looks similar to the RGB hub but can run multiple different style corsair fans without losing sync. As you can see here....




    I use the 2 RGB hubs (1 for QL and 1 for LL) to run my fans and keep the QLs synced. The LL fans on top just kinda do their own thing. Which is kinda nice because they are doing different effects. I had considered putting the QLs on top. That would most definitely work. I was watching some video somewhere where they were saying that the LL fans are good for static pressure. However the QLs aren't as good. Is this true and will the difference on my AIO be THAT different. I just don't want to compromise my CPU. Again thank you for the reply!


    Edit: oh the corsair front logo. Im pretty sure its going into a splitter from the side logo. That in turn plugs into SATA. The other side plugs into my motherboard. I think that's where I goofed. I have extra prongs on my motherboard for LEDs so ill try that. At any rate the front logo doesn't bather me THAT much. More for peace of mind than anything.

  3. Hello everyone. I just joined the corsair forum as my current build is basically all Corsair. I plan on building 2 more corsair setups for family members soon. So I'll make sure I keep y'all up date as it goes. This is my 1st build actually. I was nervous at first but once I got rolling in went relatively smooth. I say relatively because (I'm sure others will agree) hooking up rgb fans is a pain. Of course my case is all glass so cable management on a whole different level is a must. I chose the white Corsair Crystal 570x case because I just thought it was a beautiful case. Plus with all the RGB in it, well it really pops! I use PCs for mostly gaming so no super crazy graphic design oriented stuff in here. Other than whats in my bio it has 4 QL 120 fans in white. A H100i RGB Platunum SE AIO. 2 RGB hubs (as I need 2 because I have 2 types of fans. LL & QL) and a commander pro. So here's a few pictures. Feel free to comment, give me opinions or suggestions. So........








    Considering I'm showcasing everything I decided to mount the fan controllers in that's big open space and manage as best I could. I think it looks rather good. Kinda makes it look complicated and fancy. As you see I am missing hard drives (for now). I plan on another SSD. The 2 will be in raid 0. (Because I want to lol) Then I'm getting 2 2TB 7200 Mechanical hard drives. My SSDs will automatically copy all data to 1. The other will be a place holder, backup etc. Im also going to get a white decorative RGB plate for the top of the GPU. Under the GPU I found a place that makes custom engraved glass RGB attachments. This is decorative and functional as it helps support the GPU. There may be a few more things but 1 step at a time lol.


    I do have a couple questions so might as well just throw them here:

    1. The front corsair logo won't light up. Its plugged in. What gives?

    2 I sort of don't like having the 2 RGB hubs. Am I correct in the Lighting Node Core can control both QL and LL fans with iQUE?

    3. Lastly a question more directed to Corsair. The ship logo. Did y'all have a specific ship in mind when making the logo? Or perhaps got the idea from a specific ship?

    I ask because I have that open spot in the bottom of the case. I was thinking of putting a crystal ship right there. (Perfect right?) I think it will really pop with all the RGB. Even better though, if I put the actual ship that the logo is based off of right?


    Thank you in advance for any comments etc etc etc. I look forward to chatting and doing some more builds in the future. Have a wonderful day!

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