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Posts posted by Glen.Appleton

  1. Update: After quitting and reloading the iCue software a couple of times, it displayed a message saying that it needed to load the onboard profiles. I told it to do so, and now the profiles are loading and saving in iCue. However, it also did this right after the update, and the next day the profiles were missing and it didn't prompt to reload when the software loads with Windows.


    So, with that, I can only assume that there's a bit of a bug in the iCue software update that allows it to forget loaded profiles.

  2. After updating the iCue software to the latest version a few days ago, it was unable to read / save profiles on my K70 MK.2 keyboard. It works with my Glaive mouse with no issues, but the keyboard just shows empty profiles and the software does nothing when I try to save a profile (no error, no response).


    Keyboard firmware: 3.24

    iCue Software: 3.28.70


    BTW: I like the iCue update and the new panel for the hardware profiles. I just wish it worked with my keyboard.


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