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Posts posted by j0hnw3bb

  1. Sorry, I was referring to the uninstallation of the cab-next software which is detailed here: https://github.com/ckb-next/ckb-next/wiki/macOS-Installation but if you haven't installed that, its a dead end.


    I GOT IT WORKING!! Indeed, I had at one point installed ckb-next because there was no ICue version for OSX. However, I uninstalled it because it was crap/not-what-I-hoped-for. However, it left "droppings" on the uninstall that ended up blocking OSX ICue from recognizing my Corsair K95 Platinum.


    Here are the steps to run in a terminal:

    killall -KILL ckb

    killall -KILL ckb-next

    sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.ckb.daemon.plist

    sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.ckb-next.daemon.plist

    sudo rm -rf /Applications/ckb.app

    sudo rm -rf /Applications/ckb-next.app

    sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.ckb.daemon.plist

    sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.ckb-next.daemon.plist

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/ckb-next-daemon


    Good luck. Hopefully this will work for you too.



  2. I'm having a similar problem. I have a K95 Platinum connected to a Mac Pro running OSX Mojave (10.14.6). The keyboard functions properly for text input and even the Media controls (volume, etc). The keyboard has been flashed with the latest firmware (v3.21.28).


    Yesterday I installed ICue for OSX (3.28.70). While the software appears to load properly. It does not recognize the keyboard. I get a "No device detected!". I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable and a full shutdown/restart. No change.


    I plugged the same keyboard into a Windows 10 PC box and it was recognized just fine.


    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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