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Posts posted by CLiNT13

  1. Hi!

    I'm trying to push my kit @3733MHz @1.36V


    tCL : 16

    tRCDRC : 22

    tRP: 20

    tRAS: 38

    tRC: 87


    Not ok with OCCT 5.5.5 AVX2 Test => some errors after 10-15min


    Raise timings and voltage : 16-22-22-42-87 @1.36V => Tests OK after 1/2h


    Is there any tutorial on which timing to move first in overclocking session?


  2. Thanx a lot for your info.


    My kit is designed to function at 16-20-20-38 and DRAM Calc with corrected values in nanoseconds shows 14-19-19-38@3200. I can't see the difference in applications. May be do I need to use some benchmarks

  3. I don't know if this is the correct behavior of DRAM Calc software but I have to manually modify DRAM timings (according to Thaiphoon Burner) in nanosecond.


    After tests, it seems the tRDWR value (7) proposed by DRAM Calc 1.7.0 will freeze my PC so I went back to 8 value...



  4. My kit @3200 16-20-20-38 can achieve 3400 easily w/o modifying voltages (1.35v)


    My noob experience in 1usmus DRAM calculator unveils new timings @3200 => 14-19-19-38 which are stable.

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