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Posts posted by KilrBe3

  1. Wow, what hot garbage software and company is this?


    This new update just literally killed my games and cut my fps by almost HALF.


    6700k and Corsair RGB ram, and seems this combo is the source.



    Wow, what hot garbage company releases such crap software like this? Your LINK was terrible and from the 90s. iCue is nothing more than some intern level coding job. With a update that literally kilsl peoples FPS. All from a software that is just meant to CONTROL LIGHTS! Mind blowing.


    Thanks. Now I must revert down and will never make sure I never update again.


    Sigh. Stick to hardware. Hire better coders for your software, thanks.


    EDIT: revert back to 3.18 whatever, problem solved. gsync and fps back to normal. fix ur crap software.

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